Carlos Coronado
Goals To improve students fitness. Reduce injuries during class sections. Improve flexibility. Improve muscular and skeletal endurance. To analyze errors with the students form.
HD Camera Obtain video footage of class Analyze performance
Sony - AS20 HD Action Cam Cost: $ Found at: black/ p?id= &skuId=
Yoga Mat Soft and durable rubber mat. Improve Stability Increase Flexibility Prevent injury Improve performance
Cost: $21.98 Found At: html?start=9&cgid= &pmin=0&pmax=25 Turquoise Sea Yoga Mat
Xbox one with Kinect Motion control video game. Help with coordination Improves Cardio Improves Flexibility Improves Endurance Improves Balance Strengthen skeletal muscles
Xbox One / Kinect Cost: $499 Found At: plus-kinect
Nike+ Fuel-band SE Colorful wristband use for recording activity performance. Records activity Help with cardio Can be uploaded to phone or computer
Nike+ Fuel-band SE Cost: $79 Found at:
How to track Activity Log A Run: Right after class all the class all the activity will be transfer from each equipment and send to At log a run the student can create an account and track their activity. Also its completely free.
Cost Sony - AS20 HD Action Cam: (4) $ Turquoise Sea Yoga Mat: (60) $ Xbox One / Kinect: (2) $499 + Nike+ Fuel-band SE: (60) $79 = $7,656.86