Identification & Assessment of ADC Part - III HUMAN-WILDLIFE CONFLICTS - Althoff LEC-06
MAMMAL DAMAGE IDENTIFICATION Carnivores and other predators Feral Hogs BadgersBearsBobcat & Lynx CoyotesWolvesDogs FoxesHogsMt. lions OpossumsRaccoonsSkunks WeaselsMinkDomestic cats
PREDATOR MAMMAL Damage - Overview Indirect Evidence: a) facts observed from carcass remains b) blood on soil and vegetation c) predator tracks in vicinity of dead animal d) carnivore scat/droppings e) carnivores observed/known to be present in area f) disappearance of young or small livestock g) unusual livestock behavior i) history of predation in the area
PREDATOR MAMMAL Damage - Overview Direct Evidence: a) predators observed pursuing/attacking animals b) external physical injury and hemorrhage c) subcutaneous hemorrhage and tooth marks d) damage to skin and other soft tissues e) carnivores observed/known to be present in area f) damage to skull and other bones #1 procedural step: skin the carcass!!!!
Calf or Limb: Alive or Dead – Predator or Scavenger? If born alive …and it stood for a while or longer, hooves of calves and lambs will lack the membrane covering the soles (aka hooves) and likely be worn some. Dirt on the hooves is positive evidence young as born alive. Milk in stomach indicates it was alive (i.e., nursed). Lungs will be light colored vs. dark scarlet colored if stillborn. If stillborn …no dirt on hooves, membrane covering soles still completely present. Lungs dark scarlet colored
2 1/4 -3” 4” wolf red fox large dog coyote 2”2” TRACK ID Keys…. Front or hind foot track? Width/length of track? Spread ? Toe pad shape? Heal pad shape? Claw marks present? >4” Length measurements shown for “typical” adult-sized individuals
2 1/4 -3” wolf TRACK ID challenges Front vs. back Heel pad “variation” Coyote Left front Left hind vs.
wolf Coyote Left front Left hind vs. Right front Right hind Mt. Lion
Source: OH Div. of Wildlife F = front foot H = hind foot Guide to MAMMAL TRACKS
1 1/2 ” – 2 1/4 ” Coyote Typical canine-tooth puncture wound “widths” Mt. Lion 1 1/8 ” – 1 3/8 ” Red Fox
Bite Marks/Kill Evidence on Carcass Mt. Lion Coyote Red fox Dog Bite to top of head or neck, broken neck common Typically bite throat just behind jaw and below ear. Begin feeding in thoracic area Throat of kids and lambs; sometimes multiple bites to back, head & neck. Feed on viscera via entry behind ribs Indiscriminate mutilation—head, neck, back, rump, etc.
Feral Hogs 1981 Since 1981
Development of the ideal HOG for hunting.
Wild hog expansion : Illegal introduction for sport hunting Dispersal from existing wild populations Escapes from hunting preserves Escapes from domestic producers
Feeding in picked cornfield
Wallow edge of pond