My Top 5 Vacation Destinations By Bobbi Patterson Using Map and Globe Skills To Go On Vacation
Absolute Location The exact position of a place on earth using longitude and latitude. The exact position of a place on earth using longitude and latitude.
Lines of Latitude Run east to west Run east to west Measured in degrees Measured in degrees 0-90º north and south of the equator 0-90º north and south of the equator
Equator Imaginary line dividing north and south Imaginary line dividing north and south North of the equator is labeled north North of the equator is labeled north South of the equator is labeled south South of the equator is labeled south
Tropic of Cancer Northern boundary of the tropics Northern boundary of the tropics 23º North 23º North
Tropic of Capricorn Southern boundary of the tropics Southern boundary of the tropics 23º South 23º South
Lines of Longitude Run north to south Run north to south Measured in degrees Measured in degrees 0-180º east and west of the Prime Meridian 0-180º east and west of the Prime Meridian
Prime Meridian Imaginary line dividing east and west Imaginary line dividing east and west West of the P.M. is marked west West of the P.M. is marked west East of the P.M. is marked east East of the P.M. is marked east
Western Hemisphere Half of the Earth that is West of the Prime Meridian Half of the Earth that is West of the Prime Meridian
Eastern Hemisphere Half of the Earth that is East of the Prime Meridian Half of the Earth that is East of the Prime Meridian
Northern Hemisphere Half of the Earth that is North of the Equator Half of the Earth that is North of the Equator
Southern Hemisphere Half of the Earth that is South of the Equator Half of the Earth that is South of the Equator
My Top 5 Vacation Spots N – 116.9W N – W N – W N – W N – W Where in the world?
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Fun Facts Big Bear Lake is 8 miles long Big Bear Lake is 8 miles long Settlers from Mission San Gabriel founded Los Angeles Settlers from Mission San Gabriel founded Los Angeles Los Angeles Zoo is open 364 days, closed on December 25 th Los Angeles Zoo is open 364 days, closed on December 25 th The first ticket for Disneyland was sold to Walt Disney’s brother, Roy for $1. The first ticket for Disneyland was sold to Walt Disney’s brother, Roy for $1. Balboa Island is a man-made island found in Newport Beach whose surface area is only 2 miles. Balboa Island is a man-made island found in Newport Beach whose surface area is only 2 miles.
Comprehension Questions What is absolute location? What is absolute location? What are lines of latitude? What are lines of latitude? What is the equator? What is the equator? Name two special lines of latitude. Name two special lines of latitude. What are lines of longitude? What are lines of longitude? What is the Prime Meridian? What is the Prime Meridian? Name the four Hemispheres and where they are located. Name the four Hemispheres and where they are located.
Works Cited det2.jpg det2.jpg Answers.Com Answers.Com Harcourt Brace, Reflections Social Studies Textbook Harcourt Brace, Reflections Social Studies Textbook