Презентацию подготовила Петракова Л. Д. учитель английского языка МОУ «Перегребинская СОШ №1», ХМАО. ( )
The aims of the lesson: To check the students’ knowledge on the theme. To improve the students’ speaking skills.
It is the national symbol of America, it is a bird of strength and courage.
National Memorial with the faces of four presidents – G. Washington, T. Jefferson, Th. Roosevelt and A. Lincoln.
( It is a figure with five sides, it is the largest office building in the world. It has offices of the U.S.Department of Defense.)
There is no building in Washington higher than the Capitol.
1. A 2. M 3. E 4. R 5. I 6. C 7. A
British English 1) Flat 2) Sweets 3) Lift 4) Queue 5) Postman 6) Football 7)Tube/Uderground 8) Holidays 9) Autumn 10) Form 11) The cinema 12) Postbox American English ? Apartment Candy Elevator Line Mailman Soccer Subway/Metro Vacation Fall Grade The movies Mailbox
I feel … (-)fearirritationsadnessanxietyunsatisfaction I have (not) been active at the lesson I have (not) been emotional I have worked hard I have seen interesting pictures of the sights of the USA I have spoken English at the lesson I have got a good mark (+) joy pride admiration happiness satisfaction Because I …
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