Lorraine Andaloro - S Helen Van Vliet EDFD 127
This is Joey Age: 4 years old Sex: Male Hair: Brown Eyes: Green Height: 104cm Weight: 15.8kg Residence:Burwood, NSW Nationality:Australian Disability:Deaf Religion:Catholic Parents:Married Mother:Housewife Father:Police Officer Sibling:Sister (9 years old) SES:Middle class income
Explanation of systems Microsystem - The closest level of the environment surrounding the individual which consists of significant activities and interactions. Mesosystem – The bidirectional connections between the relationships in the microsystem. Exosystem – The social settings not necessarily involving children, that have an impact on what occurs in the microsystem. Macrosystem – The outer level of the environment including cultural values, laws, customs and resources that influence experiences and interactions on the inner levels of the environments. Chronosystem – Temporal changes in the individual’s environments which produce new conditions that affect development.
MACROSYSTEM CHRONOSYSTEM As a good candidate for a cochlear, Joey may be able to go to a hearing primary school in the future. EXOSYSTEM Community Health Service - Children’s Hospital at Westmead MICROSYSTEM Immediate family - Mum, Dad 9yo sister Pre-school – Royal Institute for the Deaf and Blind Auslan– Sign language course for whole family MESOSYSTEM Community Health Service - NSW Deaf Society Neighbourhood – Family friends live locally Religion - Firm Catholic believers Resources – Media perception of deaf community Values and Customs – from Church, Australian background and Deaf community Extended Family – Weekly group gathering Parents workplace – Father police officer, Mother stay at home Resources – Information gained from NSW Deaf Society Individual has small impact on systems Systems have large impact on individual
Comparison Table TOPICAVATARSTATISTICS BY LOCATION Age4 years old93 children same age. GenderMale48 males of the same age. Height104cm 95cm to 112cm average height range. Weight15.8kg 13kg to 21kg healthy weight range. NationalityAustralian 3 people have two Australian parents. They are all female. ResidenceBurwood, NSW 11,985 residents. ReligionCatholic 2,814 Catholics. Family Pattern Married mother and father. 9 year old sister. 1,287 coupled families with children. Social Economic StatusMiddle income range 65 couples with children have a weekly income between $800 and $999. Family Occupation Father = Police Officer Mother= Housewife 7 police officers residing in area. They are all male.