Marie Baronette William Henson Brandon Morton ENGL 393 – December 11, 2007
Introduction Fully featured client Supports POP, IMAP, and Gmail systems Organizes mail by folders Allows filtering of messages Flags incoming mail that appears to be phishing attempts or spam Also supports Usenet Newsgroups (but who uses that anymore?)
Setting Up an Account To get to the Account Wizard, go to Tools Account Settings in the top menus. Then, press the Add Account button and the Account Wizard will appear.
The Account Wizard On the first screen, choose “ account” as the account type. RSS, Newsgroups, and Gmail are other options. Note that if we were using Gmail for , it is in its own category here.
Your name and Address On this screen, enter your name as you would like it to appear on outgoing messages and the address you are configuring.
Server Types and Addresses Here, select whether your server is of the POP or IMAP type. Then, enter the server addresses, which are provided by your mail provider. Additionally, for POP, you will specify a storage folder for incoming messages on this screen.
Usernames Provide the usernames for your mail servers. In most cases these will be the same as your address before but your mail provider will let you know if they are not. Passwords are not entered yet.
Friendly Name Provide a name for the account that you would like the Thunderbird application to display. This can be anything, and doesn’t affect functionality.
All Done Setup Verify that the settings you have entered are correct, and press Finish to complete setup.
Extra Step for UMBC – Enable SSL UMBC requires an encrypted SSL connection for , so you will need to enable this in the Server Settings. You will need to do so for both the incoming account and the outgoing SMTP server. Some other mail providers also require encrypted connections.