Volcanoes are mountains but still they are very different. Volcanoes are formed by folding and crumpling or by a uplift and erosion A volcano is most commonly a conical hill of a mountain built around a vent from the earth connected to the resvoirs. The term Volcano refers to the opening or vent through rock. The volcano built up by the pressure of molten rock. Larger fragments fall back around the vent Volcanoes are built by the accumulation of their own eruptive erosion. Built up by the pressure of the molten rock. Volcanoes are practically mountains that are old and are used as vents to release the molten rock from the core of the earth. The molten rock builds up in the volcano and the pressure gets to much it erupts. There are three different stages of a Volcano Shield, Conder core and composite Volcano. As shown.
Earths surface follows the release for energy Seismic waves travel outwards from the source of earthquakes Some are high frequency and some are very low This vibration cause the earth to move A fault is the fracture in the earth crust and slipped rock. These faults are divided into three – Normal Faults-is pulling or tension -Thrust faults- squeezing of compression -Strike Slip faults- Blocks move past each other After a earthquakes another can occur usually called a aftershock These can occur hours later depending on how strong Epicenter- a point of earths surface directly above the focus Location of an earthquake is commonly described but the geographic position Earthquakes beneath the ocean floor generate immense sea waves called tsunamis
Mountains are formed in many ways there are four -volcanic -Eros ional -fault block -folded Volcanic mountains are also knows as volcanoes Mountains are a way of realeasing internal heat Erosional Formed by wind ro water wearing down weak spots in land Non resistant material washed away Fault block mountains Formed by vertical faulting of large blocks of earth Folded mountains Most common Created by tectonic plate pushing against each other-When two plates move against each other and create tension therefore the only direction for these mountains to move up.