A Great L-EAP Forward: Successes and Challenges in Implementing FEMA’s Expanded Appeals Process Todd Steiner FEMA Maggie Mathis, CFM RAMPP
2 FEMA’s regulations call for public notification and a statutory appeal period when new or modified flood elevations are issued FEMA initiates due process through: A Federal Register publication Notifying the community CEO through a proposed flood hazard determination (90-day start) letter or Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) document Publication of a newspaper notice twice following notification of the community CEO Publication of a notice on FEMA Flood Hazard Mapping public website Background
3 Flood Hazard Determinations notice Appeal policy previously applied to Base Flood Elevation (BFE)/flood depth determinations only Excerpt from a old format notice
4 The Expanded Appeals Process (EAP) Effective December 1, 2011 Same due process procedures previously only applied to BFE determinations now apply to: The addition or modification of any Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) boundary or zone designation Zones A, AO, AH, A1-A30, AE, A99, AR, AR/A1-A30, AR/AE, AR/AO, AR/AH, AR/A, VO, V1-V30, VE, and V The addition or modification of any regulatory floodway Applies to both studies and LOMRs
5 Why the Change? FEMA’s Office of Chief Counsel recommended a broader interpretation of what can be appealed More consistent approach - changes in SFHA, zone, and regulatory floodway boundaries can have the same impact as a BFE/flood depth change
6 Ancillary Benefits Simplified Federal Register publications and online notices No longer include flood source names or detailed BFE/flood depth listings Less time consuming and costly to prepare Less costly publication Fewer delays due to corrections All preliminary FIRMs and FIS reports and LOMR determination documents/attachments are now available online
7 EAP Notices
8 When Does the EAP Apply? All studies for which preliminary FIRMs are issued on or after December 1, 2011 All studies for which a proposed flood hazard determination notice (formerly a proposed rule) is published in the Federal Register on or after December 1, 2011 LOMRs issued on or after December 1, 2011
9 When Does the EAP Apply? (cont.) The EAP w ill apply to revised preliminary FIRMs that are the result of flood hazard changes unrelated to an appeal resolution The appeal period will apply to all revised preliminary AND preliminary FIRM panels Previously published FR proposed rule must be withdrawn (if applicable) and a new EAP notice published
10 When Does the EAP Apply? (cont.) Any exceptions to the criteria must be presented to FEMA HQ for consideration Consistency in our replies to requests from ineligible communities that they be afforded the EAP is needed – guidance and pat replies will be shared widely
11 Resources Resources: FEMA Procedure Memorandum No. 57: Expanded Appeals Process Criteria for Appeals of Flood Insurance Rate Maps EAP Public Fact Sheets Updated web content on FEMA.gov
12 Appeal Criteria All appeals must be supported by scientific and technical data ‘Criteria for Appeals of Flood Insurance Rate Maps’ developed to support PM 57 Establishes areas eligible for appeal Identifies documentation needed to support an appeal of each flood hazard type (e.g. modeling, topography, etc)
13 Common Questions Are we likely to receive more appeals and experience more study delays? Have the data requirements for appeal submittals changed as a result of the EAP? If only the SFHA boundary for a flooding source was adjusted based on new topographic data (i.e., no new hydrologic/hydraulic analyses have been performed and BFEs have not changed), does that mean that the BFEs along the flooding source can be appealed?
14 Common Questions Is an appeal period required if an SFHA or portion of an SFHA is removed from the FIRM, rather than added? If there was an error or omission on a Federal Register notice published prior to December 1, 2011, will the study now be processed under the EAP?
15 EAP: Status of Implementation Studies 46 Federal Register publications 90-day appeal periods have been initiated for 34 of those studies Requests for the EAP to be applied to ineligible communities have not been received to date Posting of the Preliminary Map Products has been received positively
16 EAP: Status of Implementation LOMRs 145 Federal Register publications and appeal periods initiated to date. Concerns over the more lengthy process have not materialized “Changes to FEMA’s Appeal Process” notice drawing processing questions
17 What’s Next Coming soon….Updates to: Appeals, Revisions, and Amendments to National Flood Insurance Program Maps: A Guide for Community Officials Adoption of Flood Insurance Rate Maps by Participating Communities (FEMA 495) Guidelines and Standards for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping (formerly G & S for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners) Document Control Procedures Manual Long term …. FEMA-based web solution for posting of Preliminary FIRMs and FIS reports, LOMRs
18 For Further Information Contacts: FEMA Todd Steiner PTS Leads Maggie Mathis Paul Slonac Mike Gilliam