FAO - CITES collaboration on international trade in Appendix-II listed sharks and rays 31st Session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI 31) Rome, Italy, 11 June 2014
CITES objectives Ensure that wild fauna and flora in international trade are not exploited unsustainably Legality, sustainability, traceability S. Heindrichs / PEW, Shark fins, China
CITES is a multilateral agreement Operates through an intergovernmental process, which combines wildlife and trade themes within a legally binding instrument, achieving conservation and sustainable use objectives …by setting a common procedural mechanism
CITES coverage & scope 180 member countries Regulates international trade of 35,000+ listed species (live, dead, parts and derivatives) www. cites.org
Not all species are prohibited from trade… Of the 35,000+ listed species… 97% Appendix II&III (regulated) (international commercial trade in wild specimens prohibited) 3% Appendix I
Not all listed species appear in trade… Of the 35,000+ listed species... 4% commonly traded 1% highly traded About 150 animal and 1,800 plant species account for 90% of CITES transactions
Commercially-exploited aquatic species in CITES Appendices Humphead wrasse - Appendix II Queen conch – Appendix II Giant clams – Appendix II Hard corals, black corals – Appendix II European eel – Appendix II Sturgeons – Appendix I & II Seahorses – Appendix II
8 Sharks/Manta rays in Appendix II Cetorhinus maximus (Basking shark) Manta spp. (Manta rays) Sphyrna lewini, S.mokarran, S. zygaena (Hammerhead sharks) Entry into effect delayed to 14 September 2014 Lamna nasus (Porbeagle shark) Carcharhinus longimanus (Oceanic whitetip shark) Carcharodon carcharias (Great white shark) Rhincodon typus (Whale shark)
What should Parties do by 14 September 2014? Legality National laws, legal aquisition, RFMOs, enforcement, … Sustainability NDFs, science, Introduction From the Sea, … Traceability Permits, identification, reporting, databases
Collaboration and cooperation are essential for CITES implementation National stakeholders include: – CITES Authorities – Natural resources sector (fisheries, forestry, etc.) – Businesses (traders, wholesalers, transport, etc.) – Customs – Police – Judiciary – Others
Capacity-building for implementation of new shark and ray listings. European Union contribution of EUR 1.2 million [USD 1.6 million] Implemented in partnership with FAO Quick wins, identification tools Visibility: brochure, events, web portal (cites.org/eng/prog/shark) Regional needs assessment workshops Follow-up actions
EU-CITES project Technical clearance from EU in August 2013 Approx. EUR 1.2million Objective: To build scientific, legislative and administrative capacity of developing Parties to help implement new CITES-listed sharks and manta rays whose entry into effect was delayed by 18 months until 14 September 2014
EU-CITES project: Progress to date 1.Working partnership with FAO – Preparatory studies – Regional consultative workshops – Joint outreach materials – Other areas of collaboration 2.Reaching out to RFMOs 3.Support to Parties 4.Gathering pertinent information
EU-CITES project: Accomplishments FAO-CITES regional consultative workshops in Africa and Asia Supported regional workshop in LAC, Oceania Representation at COFI-FT, COFI, RFMO meetings CITES-FAO leaflet Joint presentation materials
EU-CITES project: Accomplishments CITES sharks web portal: – Species information – History, Resolutions & Decisions on shark listings – Meeting calendar – RFMO measures – Ongoing activities – Identification materials – Other information & tools
EU-CITES project: Next steps Summary and analysis from regional workshops Planning steps for national/subregional support activities – Focus on NDFs, legal acquisition and IFS FAO-CITES collaboration on – International Plan of Action (IPOA)on Sharks – National fisheries legislation support Further collection of identification materials
17 Summary: CITES is… Intergovernmental agreement on international trade in wild fauna and flora Legality, traceability, and sustainability Legal framework & procedural mechanisms System of permits and certificates Inter-agency and inter-sector collaboration Cooperation with FAO over shark and manta ray essential
18 Thank you for your attention! CITES and FAO working for legal, sustainable and traceable international trade in sharks and manta rays, supported by the European Union