By: Andreas
Sharks live everywhere in the world Some sharks like hot water and some like cold water
Sharks aregrey or blue Their skin feels like sand paper A great white sharks can grow up to 16 feet long and can weigh up to 7000 pounds
They have great sight They have great smell They have great hunting skills It has lots of teeth Swim real fast and good to catch prey
It eats fish, squid, turtles, shellfish, dolphins, whales, and seals They are carnivores Their enemies are humans and giant squids
When a great white bites its prey eyes roll in back of head A dog fish is a shark Sharks uses more then teeth The mako shark is the fastest shark Hammerhead sharks have eyes and nostrils at the end of their head
Littering Oil spills Don't litter
Candelaira, Michael. Sharks! Schreiber, Anne. Sharks! Chinery, Michael. Sharks. Petty, Kate. Finding Out About Sharks.