1 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC Subcommittee 1: Techniques and Developments Zhong Chen SC1 Chair
2 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC Scope SC1 Techniques and Developments Scope Subcommittee 1 provides the technical expertise and resources necessary for maintaining existing and newly proposed C63 ® approved standards documents. New or existing measurement techniques and associated instrumentation, measurement methods, and limits development related to EMC are incorporated as assigned by the Main Committee ASC C63 ®.
3 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC Memberships Subcommittee 1 and Working Group Membership List new members – David Zimmerman of Spectrum EMC Consulting and Mike Howard of Liberty Labs
Update on Working Groups 4 C63.2 Introduction of suggested changes in October 2012 at ANSI C63 SC1 meeting PINS prepared and approved by ANSI C63 at meeting October 2012 PINS submitted to IEEE on May 8, 2013 Circulation closes soon
November 2013C63® MeetingSlide 5 Major Changes in C63.2 Establish CISPR as the relevant document for measuring equipment in the frequency range 9 kHz to 18 GHz (with some additions like frequency accuracy) Establish key specifications for the frequency range 18 GHz to 40 GHz using the same approach as in CISPR (independent of the specific implementation)
WG C63.4 Status PINS-C enters a project into the ANSI ASC C63 committee work This path was taken by the WG supported by the Subcommittee 1. 6
It studies what should initially be studied for a revision of an existing standard or a new standard; this then is quantified by issuing a PINS which is a public record cited by ANSI to alert all that this is a project that might be of interest to others 7
Published in June 2014 Next activity C63.4 WG developed a PINS-C to capture what should be considered for the next edition of C63.4 PINS-C successfully approved by WG, SC1 and C63 (7 Nov 2014) One comment from responsive ballot 21 proposals for work narrowed down initially to 9; those not of high priority were identified and reasons given in C63 voting document 8
WG C63.5 Status and Plan PINS is on website –Active document from Oct 2012 Last WG meeting was held yesterday, 11/11/ people present, 4 on Phone/WebEx 9
–Recirculation Ballot closed July 2014 Standard was approved –Ballot responses 4 negative responses 14 commenters –More than 150 comments in total 41 Technical comments to be address. –Target for comments to be addressed – Next C63® meetings in April –Submission for recirculation to C63® shortly after comments are addressed 10
C63.7 Ballot closes Wednesday One comment received WG met on Monday to resolve one set of editorial comments Review second set of editorial comments that appeared today Submit comment resolution and slightly edited document to secretariat to circulate to balloting group to inform them of comment resolution and the view of the document Expectation is no comments and no need for recirculation 11
WG C63.25 Ad hoc meeting was held this week. PINS is on website; dated Oct 2007 New chair was selected last meeting, Dan Sigouin 12
Greg posed the question if the WG wanted to carry forward to the TD sVSWR method the same restriction in the CISPR method to NOT boresight the antennas. The consensus was to keep the restriction. There was also consensus to carry forward both TD sVSWR method and CISPR method. The TD sVSWR method will need statistical post processing per Zhong's method for good correlation with the CISPR method.
Due to all the possible errors that can be introduced when making TD measurements with a VNA, we agree that detailed step-by- step guidance on how to operate the measurement equipment.
Werner Schaefer made the point that to achieve wide-spread acceptance of the TD sVSWR: –It should appear no more onerous than the CISPR method. Labs want to protect their investment and not be scared that TD sVSWR will cause them to fail. –The TD method should be mentioned specifically in ANSI standards like C63.4, C63.10, C Otherwise, CISPR may ask why we don't have it adopted in our standards. –Labs should be strongly encouraged to use the TD method so there quickly becomes a large base of tested labs.
C63.25 Plans o Revise current draft to update IEEE formatting o Develop outline for new draft o Below 1 GHz: NSA, site comparison (RSM?) o Above 1 GHz: TD method, sVSWR Develop revised draft 16
C63.26 Wireless Working Group WWG met 11/10-11/14 for 2 half-day sessions: 1.36 attendees (12 via webinar) + 10 observers 2.C – awaiting acceptance by FCC and IC 3.C63.26D11 circulated January 2014 to SC-1 & WWG 4. C63.26D12 circulated to WWG September 9, Summary of comments discussed and resolved this week. After edits, C63.26 will be ready for balloting by the end of this year. 6.A motion is attached to allow for the balloting and formation of balloting committee as soon as possible. 7.The next meeting of WWG depends on the outcome of balloting 17
Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC Motion Text of motion: A motion to recommend to the main committee to request the balloting of the final draft and immediate formation of a ballot group for approval of C x. Reason for the motion: The final draft of C63.26 should be ready for balloting by the end of this year, at which time it will be sent to the IEEE review committee. Assuming balloting is complete by the end of March, a summary and resolution of the ballot comments will be discussed at the next WWG meeting. 18
New Business Art Wall proposed to start a PINC to study a new test procedure for ISM devices 19