How to create Cornell Notes
Objective/Goal for learning today: To learn why Cornell notes are special and to learn step by step directions on how to do them.
So, what are Cornell Notes? A style of notes which will make understanding ALL content much easier!
HOW? Using Cornell style notes has the student consistently reflecting on information. Constant & consistent reflection allows students to remember important info and helps to point out areas of weakness.
Why does this matter? Notes help you learn the information Notes help you review for your assessments Notes are an assignment grade in this class – Good notes = full credit = happy student & teacher – Incomplete notes = partial or half credit = unhappy student & teacher
Step 1: Divide your paper. You can fold your paper, and then draw the lines on the fold. Make the left column slightly thinner than the right.
Step 2: Title your notes. Topic: Title of Notes (usually the chapter & section title for History)
Step 3: Standard & Objective Topic: Title of Notes (usually the chapter & section title for History) Standard: The info we are covering today. Objective: Goal for learning today.
Step 4: Take notes Topic: Title of Notes (usually the chapter & section title for History) Standard: The info we are covering today. Objective: Goal for learning today. Teacher Side: -This is where you take your notes in class. -Important info you get from the teacher, the book or discussion Checking for Understanding: -Closure for the notes. -A check to see what you’ve learned. -Might be questions, a graphic organizer, vocab quiz, etc.
Step 5: Reflect/Clarify notes. Topic: Title of Notes (usually the chapter & section title for History) Standard: The info we are covering today. Objective: Goal for learning today. Reflection/Review Side: -This is your section to review your notes…the 2 nd step in Cornell Notes. -Review your notes & the book and add questions you need to clarify. -Also, important facts & people, key info can go here as well. **You need to go back & answer these questions eventually!!! Teacher Side: -This is where you take your notes in class. -Important info you get from the teacher, the book or discussion Checking for Understanding: -Closure for the notes. -A check to see what you’ve learned. -Might be questions, a graphic organizer, vocab quiz, etc.
Step 6: Summarize notes. Topic: Title of Notes (usually the chapter & section title for History) Standard: The info we are covering today. Objective: Goal for learning today. Reflection/Review Side: -This is your section to review your notes…the 2 nd step in Cornell Notes. -Review your notes & the book and add questions you need to clarify. -Also, important facts & people, key info can go here as well. **You need to go back & answer these questions eventually!!! Teacher Side: -This is where you take your notes in class. -Important info you get from the teacher, the book or discussion Checking for Understanding: -Closure for the notes. -A check to see what you’ve learned. -Might be questions, a graphic organizer, vocab quiz, etc. Summary: This is your final step in the notes process. It will help you put the info in your owns words and help to store it. It will also help you point out what you don’t really understand so you can go back and clarify.
Checklist for Cornell Notes All must be present in order for you to receive full credit on your notes. – Title – Standard – Objective – Teacher/Class notes (right column) – Review/questions (left column) – Summary
Grading Scale for notes: Perfect notes = +10/10 (A+) Incomplete notes = +5/10 (F) Late notes/Fixed incomplete notes= +7/10 (C)
Checking for Understanding! 1.List the 6 steps of Cornell Notes. 2.What is the point of doing Cornell Notes?