It’s Summertime ! Dr. Mohamed Mounkez School Doctor Email :
The sun is shining, the grass is green, school is almost out and lots of outdoor activities to do! During summer, people travel to vacation spots for long periods of time or short day trips. Some kids go to day camps or go camping outdoors. To keep them occupied and active, summer has to be enjoyable for them. Summer brings picnics and barbeques as well as families on the go.
You can make the summer a fun time for your children by making sure they follow some simple guidelines for their safety.
Sun Safety tips for Children: Have children drink plenty of water. Use a sunscreen with an SPF 15 and apply at least 20 minutes prior to sun exposure. Remember to apply sunscreen to all exposed skin areas. Sunscreen should only be part of the protection from the sun. The other part of reducing exposure to the sun includes wearing protective clothing, cool sunglasses and staying indoor at the times of high sun exposure, between 10 AM and 4 PM. Avoid the mid-day when the rays are more intense and damaging. Encourage children to wear a hat. Dress children in light-colored fabrics, covering exposed areas, if possible. You can plan indoor activities during the peak hours or an evening trip to the beach when it tends to be less crowded.
Few tips to keep the children hydrated: Don't wait till you are thirsty. Encourage your children to drink approximately 8 glasses of water a day to remain hydrated. Active children lose 2 or more quarts daily so their bodies need to be continuously replenished. Get your kids in the habit of carrying a bottle of clean filtered, chilled water in their bag. Have your child take water breaks every 15-20 minutes while playing outdoors or participating in a sport. Whenever you go on picnics, don't forget to carry water cooler. > Give your child a variety of summer squashes, fruit juices, milk shakes, fruit shakes. Don't substitute soda or juice as a proper beverage to prevent dehydration, because most sodas contain sugar and caffeine, which may speed up dehydration. Don't drink untreated, unclean water, because it contains harmful contaminants. So kids, drink plenty of water and keep your system hydrated!!
Tips to take care of your child hair for summer: The hair follicles [which the hair grows from] produce oil which keeps the hair smooth. You also have sweat glands in your scalp, and dead skin cells come off the scalp. The oil, sweat and dead cells all add together and can make hair greasy and look dirty unless you wash it regularly. Wash regularly with shampoo. Massage scalp well. This will remove dead skin cells, excess oil and dirt. Regular detection combing – for example, on a weekly basis – is the best way to prevent head lice. To help prevent the spread of head lice, teach children not to share combs, brushes and hats. Rinse well with clear water.
Keeping all these tips in mind, be safe and enjoy the summer with your family!!
Have a great summer!!! PREVENTION IS PRIMARY!