Democratic Consolidation
D EVELOPING D EMOCRACY Political Institutionalization Strengthening the bureaucracy A professionalized & meritocratic bureaucracy A capable, professional, democratically oriented police force Strengthening institutions of governance Political parties Legislatures Educational systems Strengthening horizontal accountability and the rule of law Deepening democracy: civil-military relations Larry Diamond, ch. 3.
W HAT I S “C ONSOLIDATION? ” Possibilities: Democratic Survival or Durability Democratic “deepening” Democratic “completeness” Acceptance of Democracy as “the only game in town”
W HAT IS D EMOCRATIC C ONSOLIDATION? Criteria for democratic regimes: Robert Dahl's definition -- polyarchies which are commonly referred to as liberal democracies. Civil and political rights plus fair, competitive, and inclusive election.
T RANSITIONS TO D EMOCRACY Pacts of Transfer Accepting Military imposed Limits on candidates, political parties, electoral rules Constraints on authority of incoming civilian governments
C HALLENGES TO C ONSOLIDATION Continuing Military legacy Limits on participatory democracy Constraints on authority of democratic governments
“P ROTECTED D EMOCRACY ” Constitutional mandate for military (“Fourth branch of government”) National security laws Military jurisdiction over civilians
C OMPETING V IEWPOINTS Prospects for democratic consolidation in Latin America have been crippled by the legacy of “protected democracy” Democratic transitions would never have succeeded without compromises with the military and elites. And there are good reasons for a strong military in Latin America.
W HAT IS D EMOCRATIC C ONSOLIDATION? Criteria for democratic regimes: Robert Dahl's definition -- polyarchies which are commonly referred to as liberal democracies. Civil and political rights plus fair, competitive, and inclusive election.
W HAT IS D EMOCRATIC C ONSOLIDATION? Four-fold classification: Authoritarianism Electoral democracy Liberal democracy Advanced democracy
EL ECTORAL D EMOCRACIES They possess some but not all of liberal democracy's essential features. They manage to hold (more or less) inclusive, clean, and competitive elections but fail to uphold the political and civil freedoms essential for liberal democracy They are widely recognized as semidemocratic regimes
A DVANCED D EMOCRACIES They possess some positive traits over and above the minimal defining criteria of liberal democracy They are ranked higher in terms of democratic quality