Standard Grade Modern Studies Changing Society Standard Grade Modern Studies Family Life Today
Changing Society : The Family Family Life Today Over the next few weeks we will be studying about UK family life in class. We will be looking at... Changes to the structure of families over the years Different types of families in the UK Why family structure has changed Know the costs involved in raising a family The needs of families Inequalities amongst families How family needs are met
Learning Objective Success Criteria To understand there are different types of family structures today in the UK and to understand how they have come about. Learning Objective Success Criteria By the end of the lesson you will be able to... Explain changes to the structure of families over the years Describe the reasons why the structure of the family has changed Identify 5 different family types you might find in the UK
How families have changed over the years Traditionally families consisted of a mother, father and children. This type of family was known as the ‘nuclear’ or ‘conventional’ family.
How families have changed over the years The mother and father met...
How families have changed over the years Fell in love...
How families have changed over the years Got married...
How families have changed over the years And had a family...
How families have changed over the years The man went out to work...
How families have changed over the years Whilst the woman remained at home looking after the children and running the house.
How families have changed over the years Society is changing and so attitudes towards family life and the family structure are changing.
Why have families changed? Increase in divorce People living longer More women working Society more acceptable Attitudes changed towards marriage Increase in lone parent families Religion less important
Family Types in the UK Family types now include: Nuclear/Conventional Changes in society have resulted in the changing face of British family and this means there are many different types of families other than nuclear or conventional families. Family types now include: Nuclear/Conventional Lone parent Extended Couple Reconstituted/Step Same-sex couples/Families
Family Types in the UK To help you understand the different types of families in the UK and their family members, complete the table below with your partner. Both of you should copy and complete the table into your jotters. Family Type Family Members Celebrity Example Nuclear/Conventional Mum, Dad, brothers, sisters The Beckhams Lone Parent One parent and children Extended Grandparents/Aunts, etc. Couple No children Reconstituted/Step Lone parent family + new Same-sex couples/families Gay couple/ with children
Have I Been Successful? Rate your own learning: In your jotters... Rate your own learning: GREEN – Understand fully what we have learnt AMBER – Understand some of it RED – Unsure about most/all of it Write 1 or 2 sentences explaining how families have changed over the years eg. What were they like compared to what they are now like Give 2 brief reasons why this has happened