Family Case Presentation of a Child with Upper Respiratory Tract Infection ABAD TJ. IMPERIAL AS. JAVATE KR. PALMA RS. Uy RC. VALENCIA RP
Introduction Purpose of Presentation – Chance to show a family in a community setting – House visits are possible – Cooperative family
Introduction SYP 10 months old Male Ilugin Phase I, Barangay Pinagbuhatan, Pasig Filipino Roman Catholic
Introduction Chief Complaint: cough
Clinical History Four days PTC, patient had cough and colds – watery nasal discharge – cough is described to be dry and non- productive – patient usually wakes up at night due to cough No other associated signs and symptoms (no fever) No medications were given Patient however still had good appetite (breastfed every 2-3 hours for 30 mins.) and activity Patient sought consult at Ilugin Community Center
Clinical History Physical examination of patient was normal Patient was prescribed multivitamins Mother was advised to give supportive treatment to patient
Course of Illness After 3 days, patient’s episodes of cough lessened and no longer had colds Possible complications: – from viral etiology to bacterial – otitis media (most common ear infection in children connected to cough) – bronchitis – pneumonia
Family Profile Family MemberAge/ SexRelation to PatientOccupation 1) JP26/FMotherUnemployed 2) CyP21/MUncleCurrent looking for a new job 3) ChP23/MUncleFactory employee 4) LO32/FAuntCommunity Health Worker 5) NP67/FGrandmotherLaundry Washer (“labandera”)
Family Assessment Tools Family Life Line Family Life Cycle Family Genogram Family APGAR Family Map SCREEM
Family Life Line Child’s first incidence with URTI Uncle started drinking heavily Unwanted pregnancy of patient’s mother Son from grandmother’s husband decided to live with the rest of the family Grandfather left Grandmother took a job while eldest looked after the family Family had to adjust to new member of the family Family advised uncle to stop but uncle refuses to listen. Unresolved Mother stayed at home while the other family members took jobs. Aunt started training as community health worker Whole family take turns watching the child. Pooling of resources
Family Life Cycle Family with young children (nuclear family: patient and his mother) However considering the family structure at home is extended, the family life cycle is launching family.
Family Genogram
Family APGAR APGARSCOREREASON Adaptation2Extended family, two members have jobs while one is looking for a job Partnership1One uncle refuses to communicate and cooperate with the family. Growth2Family seems well adapted to change when needed Affection1Family members cannot seem to reach out to the uncle mentioned above. Resolve2Members of the family do not seem to mind their living conditions.
Family Map Gm AMU U 10 mos
SCREEM ResourcePathology SocialGood relationship with family overall Able to socialize well with other people One of the family members is isolated because of his refusal to change his drinking and smoking habits CulturalProud of who they are and where they came from (-) ReligiousReligious family lead by grandmother. (-) EconomicManage to get by with the income of the family However, if crisis occurs, budget will be constrained EducationHas clear idea on how problems arise and their solution Grandmother is a grade school graduate. Mother, Aunt and uncles are high school graduates MedicalAunt is training to be a community health worker Residence near the community health center OPD at the health center is only open during Wednesdays; have to look for other source of healthcare