Research Paper Outline 1
Parameters are LARGE SECTIONS of your paper that contain like information to prove your thesis. Don’t be confused – parameters are NOT single paragraphs! In fact, each parameter will most likely be several paragraphs in length. First, a definition: 2
STEP 1: Separate note cards into parameters: 1.Use your note card labels to decide which information belongs together. Separate cards into 3 parameters. 2. Use a highlighter to highlight each note card in a parameter pile; each parameter will be coded by a different color. 3. Decide which piles should be your first, second, and third parameters. This requires you to decide what section will be dealt with 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd in your paper. Number each parameter pile with a 1, 2, or 3. 3
Step 2: Label your parameters: 1.Now that you have grouped your note cards into parameters, you should come up with a title/label for each main section of your paper (your parameters). 2. The label should identify what information will be addressed within that particular parameter. 3. Turn in your packets to page 29 and list your labels there. 4
Step 3: For each parameter of your paper, you will cover several subtopics. These subtopics may come from the labels you originally put on your note cards. * list which subtopics you are covering for each parameter. 5
Outlining Basics: (When you create a formal outline, there are several things that you must keep in mind.) 1. Each main section of an outline is represented by a Roman numeral.(Introduction = I, Parameter One = II, Parameter Two = III, Parameter Three = IV, Conclusion = V. 2. Each subtopic of an outline is represented by a capital letter. 3. Supporting details under subtopics are represented by numbers. (This is the info. from your note cards!) 4. If you have additional details, they usually go under the numbers in the form of lower case letters (“a”, “b”). 5. RULE OF THUMB: If you have an “A,” you MUST have a “B.” If you have a “1,” you MUST have at least a “2.” A number or letter should not stand alone! 6
*** Remember*** The thesis statement is completely written out in both the INTRODUCTION and CONCLUSION sections of the outline. Turn to page 30 in your packets and write your thesis statement on the lines provided. Your thesis statement should: 1.Answer your topic question. 2.Reveal the subject of your paper. 3.Reveal the opinion of your paper. 4.Reveal the purpose of your paper. 7
When you put your information from your note cards into your outline (the numbers that come after the capital letters) make sure to include the source card # after the info in parentheses. This will help to prevent accidental plagiarism when you write your rough draft. 8