Control Control – use the word “control”, but also indicated several variables that are being held constant. Ex – plants of the same species, from the same seed source, grown in the same soil and under the same conditions. Be sure to indicate “which treatment” is serving as the control.
Hypothesis Hypothesis – Say the word “hypothesis” and write in the “If….then…” format. Be clear about your independent variable and your dependent variable. (use the worksheet from lab) Example – The hypothesis for this experiment is if higher light allows more photosynthesis, then the plants with the most light should have the most mass.
Manipulation of the Variable Tell how the experiment is manipulated (i.e. what are your treatments). Give a full range of the treatment if possible to avoid the “Three Bears Syndrome” (one too hot, one too cold, one just right) Ex – The plants will be grown in five treatments of differing temperatures from O o to 40 o in 10 degree intervals.
Measurements Indicate to the reader what is being measured. Use quantitative measurements rather than qualitative. Tell when then measurements will be taken. Ex – The mass of the plants will be taken in grams at the beginning and end of the experiment.
Verification Use a large sample size (i.e. the “rule of 10X) or show that the experiment will be repeated several times. Ex – There will be 10 plants in each treatment and control group.
Expected Results Tell the reader what you expect the results of the experiment to be and explain why. Ex - The expected results of the experiment is that the plants with more light will have more photosynthesis, therefore, they should have more biomass.
Additional Comments Be sure to give the reader sufficient background on how the method works. Use metric units. Write clearly and with details. Go back and make sure you actually answered the task.
Essay Exam Scoring – in general Gain points for correct statements. No point deduction for wrong answers. Answers must be in sentences, not in outline or bullet form.
Essay Exam Scoring Drawings permitted, but must be explained. Drawings will only count for part of the question’s credit.
Writing Tips Read the question carefully!
Writing Tips Give details and specific examples. If question is in parts, (long essays) write the answer in parts. Plan your time and answer order.
Writing Tips Don’t assume the reader will “know” what you mean. Give definitions to all terms. WRITE, but write answers that are information dense.