CLASS OF 2011 President: Megan Johnson Vice President: Myesha Ponder Secretary: Ra’Anna Pickens Treasurer: Elisha Postell
Student Government Association President – Kyrea Booker Vice President – Caytrina Cotton Secretary – Jennifer Arzu Treasurer – Apryl Evans
Royal Court Mr. Northwestern – Herman Bain Miss Northwestern – Jasmine Kearse Mr. Senior – Shaquille Braham Miss Senior – Empris Lavant
Homecoming Court Homecoming King – Roseann Hope Homecoming Queen – Gregneisha Warren Homecoming Princess – Nefetari Brooks Homecoming Prince – Tareem Dixon Homecoming Duchess – Joyce Ojo
Principal: Mr. Charles Hankerson Vice Principal: Mr. John Walker Assistant Principals Mr. Wallace Aristide Mr. Jorge Bulnes Ms. Adalys Rodriguez Ms. Ottolita Thompson Ms. April Thompson-Williams
Activities Director: Ms. Linda Walden Athletic Director: Mr. Earl Allick Class Advisor: Ms. Arlinda Smith Media Specialist: Ms. Kimberly Davis Registrar: Ms. Lawarnia Gray College Summit: Ms. D. Heath
School Resource Specialist: Mr. Darryl Elmore School Police: Officer James Darby Silver Knight Awards: Mr. Kelvin Smith Transcripts: Ms. Yanette Hunter Treasurer: Ms. Latonia Ritchey
Administrator for Student Services: Mr. John Walker Department Chairperson: Dr. Zina Jackson: G-H COUNSELORS Ms. Kimberly Strozier-Miller: A-F Ms. Bridget Smith: Q-Z Ms. Phyllis Williams: I-P
Ms. Sheri Bearman Test Chairperson Ms. Candance Morley Social Worker Ms. Tyra Tate TRUST Counselor Mr. LarMarc Anderson CAP Advisor Ms. Irene Clark College Resource Center Coordinator
4 Language Arts 3 Social Studies (World History, American History, ½ Government, ½ Economics) 3 Science (Earth Space Science, Biology, Physical Science/Chemistry) 4 Mathematics 1 Fine Arts ½ Personal Fitness / ½ Physical Education 8.5 Electives
Pass both parts of the FCAT 2.0 GPA (unweighted) Minimum – 25 community service hours; highly recommend a minimum of 300 hours 24 credits 5-Point Rule
College Admission: Scholarships/Loans College Fair – 11/3 – 82+ colleges Financial Aid Workshops: 12/8 & 2/9 Scholarships / Loans Acceptance & Scholarship Letters
FREE LUNCH APPLICATIONS BENEFITS SAT II / ACT II Waivers College Admission Applications
Herff Jones Senior Orders (Graduation Announcements / Memory Books)– November 4-8 Soul Bowl Pep Rally – November 10 Senior Breakfast – December 7 - $50; Deadline for Payment – November 24 Senior Picnic – March 1 - $30 - $40; Deadline for payment – February 24 Click Student Tab Click on Student Obligations LOG IN INFO User Name – Student ID Password – Birth Date; i.e., 01/01/2001
Must be signed by a Parent/guardian and returned to the Student Union
GPA – 2.0 CONDUCT – Absences – Excused/Unexcused (2.5 per grading period) 20 Tardies (5 tardies per grading period) 10 Indoor/Outdoor Suspensions
Homecoming Dance – October 22 - $40; $45 Cap & Gown $21 – Pay anytime; December 15 Cap & Gown Pictures – January Grad Bash – April 15; Deadline February 28 Prom – May 20 - $75 - $80; Deadline May 13
Cap & Gown Rentals - $ Deadline for Payment – December 15; Payment can be made at anytime Grad Bash – February 28 Prom – Deadline – May 13
SENIOR EXPENSES - MINIMUM COSTS (ESTIMATE) Homecoming Dance$ $45.00 Cap & Gown Rental - MANDATORY$ Cap & Gown Pictures & Senior Pictures$ Grad Bash$ Prom Ticket$ Senior Breakfast / Ticket / Attire$ Senior Picnic / Ticket / Attire$ $40.00 Yearbook$ 60.00
Ceremony Lineup Summa Cum Laude: Top 5% Magna Cum Laude: Top10% Cum Laude: Top15% Honor: 3.5 or more Alphabetical Order
Graduation Tickets FREE 5 per student Exact Date of Graduation announced by the School in January
Blue/Black pants White dress shirt Neck tie Dress shoes Belt (No SAGGING Pants) Blue or Black socks
Sagging Pants Jeans or Shorts Sunglasses Tennis shoes or Boots Electronic devices Sunglasses Tennis shoes/boots Electronic devices Gum
White dress or White skirt and blouse Post earrings White shoes Sandals can be worn but must have straps and a minimum 2-inch heel
Dangling jewelry, bracelets, necklaces Hoop earrings, anklets, etc Pants, Capri's, knickerbockers, shorts, etc. Colored weave( yellow, blue, orange, etc.) Sunglasses Tennis shoes/boots Electronic devices Gum