Lonce Wyse Arts and Creativity Lab National University of Singapore Net-Music 2013: The Internet as Creative Resource in Music
Some new emerging standards from the World Wide Web Consortium What’s so exciting about standards? Functionality that becomes standard in the browser Becomes cross platform Runs natively Requires no plug-in (end user effort) Related technology developments
Native audio engine in browsers with API called through javascript. “Node” / connection flow-graph construction model Create “Nodes” Osc.connect(Filter); Filter.connect(Conext.destination)
Sample-accurate scheduling for built-in components (nodes, parameter automation) Spatialization (sound cones, obstruction, oriented “listeners”) Buffer Nodes, Gain Nodes Oscillators, Delay, Channel management, Common Filter types, compression, waveshaping Convolution, Time and frequency analysis (Predefined) Parameters with automation
“Roll your own” ScriptProcessorNodes for generation and processing of audio. Not treated the same as system Audio Nodes Timing latency and jitter Can’t attach WebAudio Paramters to them. Callbacks from audio processing thread One API fits all (sound designers – sound users) Future (ever-increasing number of node types?)
WebRTC (also W3C emerging standard) Oriented toward P2P media movement (eg video chat). Access to user media – audio and video No more plug-ins! Plays nicely with WebAuido. Also running on some mobile browsers
First introduced in 1995 to add short interpreted scripts in HTML for dynamic elements – it has come a long way in a short time. Google V8 engine (chrome, safari, node.js) brought huge increases in speed. Image: Excellent browser debugging tools. Libraries – thousands upon thousands. Phone sensor data, large project support. Still some issues that make it a less-than- ideal educational tool.
Server side applications Javascript on Google V8 virtual machine Single-threaded, asynchronous event handling Works with socket.io (a wrapper for web sockets) for real-time apps with two-way open communications. Now one language for network, clients, app, sound synthesis….
jsaSound Sound development tools Anticipatory Score Shared graphical scrolling score paradigm Network control signals with node.js server Augmented Storytelling Inter-browser communication for synthesis and control
Library for creating WebAudio sound models. Building tools Simple and consistent API play(), stop(), release(), setParam(), setParamNorm(), getParam(["name", "type", "val", "normval", "min","max"] In action: animatedsoundworks.com/jsaSound*animatedsoundworks.com/jsaSound Open source [* Tested with Canary Browser]
Synth1 Patch Synth2 Patch Server Patch Synth2 Patch Synth1 Patch Server Patch Node.js Server Anticipatory Scores
Putting sound interaction and voice transformation in to the hands of the storyteller Oral traditions: Shareabiltiy Mutability
Story Telling & Sharing Sound Server Sound Server * Controller [* Tested with Canary Browser]
And a much less than perfect one, at that. But … Creative possibilities The integration with web brings Accessibility (no apps or plug-ins to download) Cross platform (or will our hearts be broken again…) Possibilities for massive participation Access to unprecedented data flows to integrate into artworks Dynamic and programmable at all levels, not just audio … and it even says right in the WebAudio specification: Artistic Audio Exploration There are many creative possibilities for artistic sonic environments for installation pieces.
W3C Web Audio draft spec Working grouop mailing list HTML5 Audio Blog Node.js