R10 Annual General Meeting Name: Deepak Mathur Committee: Humanitarian Technology Activities 2 March 2013 Chiang Mai, Thailand
11/25/20152 Highlights of 2012 Introduced the concept of Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) in Region 10. 8 SIGHT’s were formed in Region 10 SIGHT for Low Cost Remote Virtual Educational Platform (Kolkata) IEEE Teacher in Service Program, India - TISP India SIGHT (R10EAC) IEEE Bangalore Section R-10, India IEEE Sahaaya (Kerala Section) DISHA(Gujarat) NITK SIGHT- Assistive Technology for Orthopedic Applications (Bangalore Section) IEEE HK SIGHT(Hong Kong) IEEE Madras Section SIGHT
11/25/20153 Highlights of 2012 Finalized first R10 conference on Humanitarian Technology : R10-HTC2013 : The conference will be held on 26 th –29 th August 2013 in Sendai, Japan Conducted awareness program on HT at Tokyo Section and Kansai Section. Invited project proposals from sections to encourage humanitarian activities in the Region : 20 proposals were received, 8 projects were selected for funding of 75% of project cost (or US$750 which ever is less) from R10 balance 25% were supported by respective sections. 7 projects were successfully completed.
11/25/20154 Highlights of 2012 Name of the project Coordinator/ Section Support by Region 10 1 Sensor column for landslide monitoring Joel Marciano, Philippines Section US$750 2 Remote Ophthalmic Medical Image Diagnosis for Primary Hospital Gao Song, Beijing Section US$741 3 Wireless Head Mounted Mouse & Keyboard for Physically Disabled Persons Preeta Sharan, Bangalore Section US$600 4 Sustainable Technology for empowering people Anil Roy, Gujarat Section US$750 5 Low cost low bandwidth virtual education platform for underserved Iti Saha Misra, Kolkata Section US$750 6 A Significant Scheme On Small Renewable Hybrid Stand-Alone Power Generation System Anand B, Madras Section US$360 7 RENEWLATOR-An Analytical Tool for conservable energy Anne Mary Sebastian Kerala Section US$104
2013 R10 HTA Committee Chair: –Deepak Mathur Advisor: –Amarnath Raja Committee Members: (more members to be inducted) –Takako Hashimoto –Arjun Pillai
11/25/20156 Plan for New SIGHTs in sections 2Humanitarian Technology tracks in major conferences of the Region Being a new concept at Section level, awareness on Humanitarian Technology Activities are required to be propagated all across the section to create interest of members to form sustainable SIGHT. It is being proposed to keep HT track in the major conferences of Region 10 including TENCONS. 3Information about Humanitarian Technology Activities on Region 10 website 4Planning of next Humanitarian Technology Conference in 2014
11/25/20157 Plan for Humanitarian Technology projects – 8 Projects To do real life projects or workshops for the visibility of IEEE and for the Humanitarian cause in the sections of Region 10. There is a plan to do minimum 8 HTA projects.
11/25/20158 Proposed 2013 Budget S.No. ItemBudget 1HTA support fund for projects R10 Conference on HT5000 3Support fund for organizing HT track in conferences 1400 Budget allocation : US$12800
11/25/20159 Thank you