Teachers: Miss Przybyla, Miss Carter and Mrs Dewhurst TAs: Mrs Darr, Mrs Vadher. Year 6
Uniform All children are required to wear: Dark grey trousers, pinafore or skirt White shirt with tie – not polo shirts Navy blue jumper or sweatshirt Black school shoes – not boots – with a heel less than 5cm.
PE Children will have one session of PE with Miss Taylor and one with their class teacher. Please ensure that your child’s PE kit comes into school on Mondays and is taken home to be washed on Fridays. Children must wear: Plain white, navy or black shorts Plain white or Ryvers T Shirt Plain tracksuit in winter and Ryvers hoodie Plimsolls or trainers Optional for girls - black leotard
End of day arrangements Children are collected from Trelawney playground at 3.25 each day. Please inform your child’s class teacher in writing if you are happy for him / her to walk home alone.
Homework Daily: Reading, spelling and number facts. Once weekly: BOND Maths, BOND English Additional pieces of work may also be set on other days. We would be grateful if you could sign children's planners every time you read with them.
Curriculum Information English This term we will be learning about autobiographies and Biographies and non-chronological reports. Children will also continue to develop their knowledge of spelling rules, punctuation and grammar through focused SPAG sessions. How can you help? Encourage your child to read regularly. Ensure that your child is able to explain what he / she has to do for homework. Encourage your child to write / keep a journal – little but often is the best way!
Maths We are starting with all areas of number –working with decimals and larger numbers up to 10,000,000. Later on in the term, we will look at shape, space and measure as well as handling data. Cracking Times Tables will be done weekly How you can help: Make sure you child practises their tables. Encourage your child to tell the time on analogue as well as digital clocks. It is really helpful for children to wear analogue watches! Ensure your children have practice using “REAL MONEY” Ensure that your child is able to explain what he/ she has to do for homework. If they cannot do a piece of work, encourage them to have a go but please do not do it for them.
Topic This term we will be studying Endangered, Existing, Extinct. How you can help: Encourage children to read factual books on the topic Any extra-curricular activities to help children familiarise themselves with animals Visits to the library/ related museums Thursday 8 th October – “The Inflatable Dome” Workshops on Endangered Species and The Theory of Evolution.
Prefects If your child has been chosen to be a prefect this term, please ensure that they arrive in school by 8:40 to carry out their duties. If they are consistently late they may lose their role. Children must come into school through the main reception. 6 Sapphire until February half term – 6 Azure thereafter.
SATS SATs will take place in May Children will be tested in Reading, SPAG and Maths. Writing will be assessed by teachers Reading – 1 test on 3 texts of varying genres and lengths Maths – NEW. 1 arithmetic test, 2 reasoning papers. Reasoning is key focus. Levels 3-6. SPaG – One written paper. One spelling test.
Heathrow Challenge On Friday 18 th September we will be taking part in the Heathrow Challenge. Please can we ask each child to bring in as many newspapers as possible for use on the day.
Questions? Thank you for coming! Don’t forget Mrs Hall will be explaining our new behaviour system Good To Be Green in Trelawney Hall at 4.30.