What is a Christian? John 14:21 19/04/09 (am) What is a Christian? John 14:21 Theme: A Christian is someone who loves Jesus, has His commands and obeys His commands.
Context of John 14:21 Last Supper Jesus teaching His disciples Jesus comforting His disciples In John 14:21 Jesus gives a precise definition of a Christian.
Jesus’ Description of a Genuine Disciple (14:21a) Jesus says that a Christian is marked by three interdependent characteristics: Someone who loves Him.
John may be using a word for love that speaks of a deep seated, purposeful love involving the entire personality – mind, emotions, will, cf. Mk. 12:30. Do you have such love for Jesus? It is a mark of a Christian.
Someone who has His commands. What does has mean? Not just possess or have access to. Means to grasp with the mind and make them your own. Have you grasped Jesus’ commands?
Someone who obeys His commands (cf. 14:15 & 23). General bent of life is obedience.
What a Christian is not A Christian is not essentially defined by: Birth into a Christian home or ‘country’. The bald profession Jesus loves me & I love Jesus. An act of water baptism. Membership of a local church.
A Christian is someone who loves Jesus, has His commands and obeys His commands.
Conclusion – How do you measure up? Have you misunderstood what a Christian really is? Are you beginning to see what a Christian really is? Are you hearing His voice?
Be encouraged if you can say I love Jesus, I have His commands and the bent of my life is obedience to His commands.