Matt Shockley and Paul Buck 2/24/09 CGCSC Board of School Trustees High School Program Redesign Project
Agenda Two School Board Mandates The Case for Change Revised SLC Phase-in Plan The High School Program Redesign Project: In Brief The Early College at Center Grove, The Center for 21 st Century CGHS, and the other SLC’s SLC Commonalities January: Finding Your Fit Final Thought Fast FAQ’s / Q & A Time Resources 2
Please remember that: The focus of the High School Program Redesign Project is instruction, not construction. The High School Program Redesign Project and the Center Grove Construction Projects are related but not synonymous. The High School Program Redesign Project and SLC’s are not synonymous and that SLC’s are only one part of the Redesign Project. 3
Two School Board Mandates 1. Personalize Center Grove High School. 2. Increase student achievement at Center Grove High School. 4
Why Change? “Our students have changed radically. Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach.” --Marc Prensky On the Horizon, 2001
Why Change? “Effective change agents understand that our schools follow an agrarian calendar and were designed for the industrial age — not a good match with preparing students for the digital age.” --Dr. Bill Daggett, President of the International Center for Leadership in Education,
Why Change? 20.9% of our freshmen failed at least one course the 1 st semester and 9.7% failed at least three courses. 28% of the 2007 High School Survey of Student Engagement respondents don’t believe there is an adult in the building that knows them well. 34% of 2007 ACT-tested students met all 4 college readiness benchmark scores. 35.3% of 2006 CGHS Alumni Study respondents were required to take a remedial English course as a college freshman. 38% of 348 STaR students surveyed described their level of engagement that week as: passive compliant, retreatist, or rebellious (as opposed to authentically or ritually engaged). 39.4% of 2006 CGHS Alumni Study respondents were required to take a remedial math course as a college freshman. 7
Revised SLC Phase-in Plan Approved Plan (3/08) Revised Plan NTHS and ECHSECHS Business Academy and STEM Academy NTHS others Health SLC and Humanities SLC 2-3 others [= total implementation] 8
High School Program Redesign Project: In Brief We will personalize CGHS through: 1. implementing SLC’s 2. differentiating our advisory period 3. embracing the “new” 3 R’s (Relationships, Relevance, and Rigor) At CGHS we will emphasize: 1. student learning 2. college readiness 3. career readiness 9
Personalization through: Implementing SLC’s: Aren’tAre a silver bulletan organizational structure a panaceaa strategy for delivering reform 10
Personalization through: Differentiating Our Advisory Period: Grades 9 and10: focus on the transition to high school Grades 11 and 12: focus on the transition to post-secondary IRP STaR? 11
Personalization through: Embracing the “New” 3 R’s Typical order: Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships Our order: Relationships, Relevance, and Rigor “When teachers have strong, trusting relationships with their students, [students] work harder and achieve more.” “The more students understand how what they are learning is relevant to them, to their community, or to the world at large; the more motivated they will be to learn.” “Relationships and relevance make rigor possible.” 12
We will emphasize: 1. Student Learning: focus on “authentic engagement,” which is characterized by high student attention and commitment 2. College Readiness: students are “ready to enroll and succeed—without remediation—in a credit-bearing course at a two-year or four -year institution, trade school, or technical school” 3. Career Readiness: focus on 21 st Century Skills, which are “the skills, knowledge and expertise students should master to succeed in work and life in the 21st century” 13
Principal Decatur Central High School Guest Speaker: Joe Preda 14
The Early College at Center Grove : A college preparatory program aimed at helping students gain college credit and experience college before they graduate from high school. Opening in EARLY COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 15
Description The Early College at Center Grove is a college-preparatory program that believes in: instilling the confidence in students that they can succeed in a post- secondary setting; promoting and assisting students in gaining college credit by the end of high school; providing a seamless transition from high school to college; providing a relevant, rigorous and cross-curricular program for students in a personalized environment; and preparing students to think critically, communicate clearly, learn independently, and work collaboratively in a 21 st -Century world. 16
Target Audience An Early College at Center Grove student may be someone who... has average grades and above average potential chooses not to continue on the honors/AP track is a 21 st Century Scholar is looking for a more personal high school experience wants to gain college credit before graduating from high school is unsure if college is for them is the first to attend college in their family is worried about how they will pay for college 17
Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 1English 9English 10American LiteratureWorld Lit. or ACP Lit. 202/ACP 131, ENGL 111, or Sr. Comp. 2Geography and History of the World Modern World Civilization/ Current Issues U.S. HistoryGovernment/ College Economics or Economics 3Algebra IAlgebra II or MAT 136Geometry or Pre- Calculus Pre-Calc or MAT 137 Trig with Analytic Geometry or Calculus 4BiologyChemistryPhysicsScience 5Keystone/P E. 1P.E. 2/HealthCollege Psych./College Sociology or internship Service Learning/ Intern. or Elective 6Spanish 1 or another language Spanish 2 or another language Spanish 3 or another language Elective 7 8Study Table/Advisory Study Table/Advisory/ or off campus
The Center for 21 st Century CGHS Launching in 2010 NEW TECHNOLOGY HIGH SCHOOL 19
Description The Center for 21st Century CGHS is a college- preparatory program that believes in: preparing students to think critically, communicate clearly, learn independently, and work collaboratively in a 21st Century world; fostering a professional environment of respect, trust and responsibility that allows both students and teachers to focus on learning, as well as personal, academic and social growth; emphasizing the integration of technology into learning to create authentic, purposeful, real-world learning experiences, tasks and products; and creating opportunities for students and teachers to learn about their community, their nation, and their world through community service and participation. 20
Target Audience A Center for 21st Century CGHS student may be someone who... may be struggling in a traditional school environment is intelligent but possibly unmotivated learns by doing projects and investigating solutions to problems would benefit from a 1:1 student computer ratio 21
Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 1English 9English 10American LiteratureWorld Literature/ENGL 111 2Geography and History of the World Modern World Civilization / Psychology U.S. HistoryU.S. Government / Current Issues, Problems, and Events 3Algebra IAlgebra IIGeometryPre-Calculus 4Earth and Space Science or Environmental Science BiologyChemistryElective [Physics] 5Keystone / Computer Applications: Advanced 1 Computer Applications: Advanced 2 / P.E. 1 P.E. 1 / HealthDesktop Publishing / Global Economics 6Elective [Fine Arts] [passport out] Elective [passport out] Elective [passport out] Elective [passport out] 7Elective [World Language] [passport out] Elective [World Language] [passport out] Elective [World Language] [passport out] Elective [passport out] 8Study Hall; or Elective [passport out] Study Hall; or Elective [passport out] Study Hall; or Elective [passport out] Study Hall; or Elective [passport out]
Other SLC’s to be phased in: The Center Grove School of Business and Information Technology [Business Academy] The CG SLC of Applied Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics [STEM Academy] The Center Grove Project Lead the Way - Biomedical Sciences Community [Health SLC] The School of American Studies [Humanities SLC] 23
The Center Grove School of Business and Information Technology Launch Date TBA BUSINESS ACADEMY 24
Description The Center Grove School of Business and Information Technology is a college- preparatory program that believes in: providing rigorous educational opportunities for students interested in all areas of business, including marketing, management/entrepreneurship, business law, finance and information technology; creating networking opportunities for students through community service projects and internship experiences; preparing students with technology skills that will be needed in tomorrow’s global business world; 25
Description (continued) The Center Grove School of Business and Information Technology is a College-preparatory program that believes in: developing the leadership skills demanded by today’s industries, such as effective communication, problem solving, and team collaboration; and preparing students for all post-secondary education opportunities not only in business-related majors but also in concentrated programs requiring a strong foundation in social studies, math and language arts. 26
Target Audience and Sample Schedule A Center Grove School of Business and Information Technology student may be someone who... is interested in any business field including Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Management, Technology or Entrepreneurship is looking to hold a paid internship in the business field before graduation enjoys computer programming and software development wants to receive college credit while still in high school is interested in building relationships with the CG business community
The Center Grove SLC of Applied Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics Launch Date TBA STEM ACADEMY 28
Description The Center Grove SLC of Applied Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics is a college-preparatory program that believes in: making science, technology, engineering and math authentic relevant for students; integrating hands-on, problem-based, real-world experiences into student learning, tasks and products; inspiring innovative thinking and problem solving to extend learning beyond the classroom; preparing students to think critically, communicate clearly, learn independently, and work collaboratively in a 21 st -Century, STEM world. 29
Target Audience A Center Grove SLC of Applied Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) student may be someone who… has an interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics enjoys working with computers would learn best in a project-based learning environment would like to be enrolled in Project Lead the Way: Engineering enjoys problem solving could apply their learning beyond the classroom enjoys technical writing 30
Sample Schedule 31
The Center Grove Project Lead the Way - Biomedical Sciences Community Launch Date TBA HEALTH SLC 32
Description The Center Grove Project Lead the Way-Biomedical Sciences Community is a college-preparatory program that believes in: preparing students to take advantage of the career opportunities available in health and science; engaging students in learning through hands-on, project-based, and problem-based curriculum; and equipping students with the real-world knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in a 21 st -Century world. 33
Target Audience A Center Grove Project Lead the Way-Biomedical Sciences Community student may be someone who… may be considering a career in the health field would seek AP and dual credit courses that would prepare them for a career in the health field enjoys a hands-on approach to learning aspires to do well in school would enjoy a project-based approach to learning and independent investigation of health and medical fields 34
Sample Schedule 35
The School of American Studies Launch Date TBA HUMANITIES SLC 36
Description The School of American Studies is a college-preparatory program that believes in: emphasizing the skills of writing, research, communication, and analysis with a focus on the subject matter of the American experience; confirming democratic and libertarian values in school structure and governance; cultivating student and faculty scholarship, experiential learning, and interpersonal relationships; and fostering civic virtue through public service and community participation. 37
Target Audience and Sample Schedule A School of American Studies student may be someone who... enjoys going beyond the textbook to learn would enjoy classes which integrate human culture including communication, art, and music into the curriculum want a voice in school governance is willing to challenge themselves to think critically and analyze problems in detail
Traditional We will temporarily offer the "traditional" Center Grove High School educational experience to interested students. For example: in all 9th, 10th, and 11th graders who are not in The Early College at Center Grove will be Traditional students in those students not in The Early College at Center Grove or The Center for 21st CGHS (or any other SLC launched that year) will be Traditional students The "traditional" option will exist through full implementation of the SLC's. The SLC Teacher Placement Recommendation Task Force has recommended that Traditional no longer be an option once the SLC’s are fully implemented. Further discussion of this point will occur. 39
Sample Schedule 40
SLC Commonalities All of our SLC’s will: bring together students and staff who share common interests be college preparatory and satisfy Core 40 requirements teach/assess the Indiana Academic Standards prepare students for CGHS and State end-of-course common assessments enable interested students to earn an Academic Honors or a Technical Honors diploma allow students to “passport out” of their SLC to take classes offered in other SLC’s 41
January: Finding Your Fit January 5 th ( Records Day): Matt and Paul met with the departments to discuss SLC’s and Redesign January 7 th (Staff ER): Matt and Paul explained the Teacher Placement Process SLC representatives spoke on behalf of each SLC January 12 th /13 th (Staff Prep Period Meetings): Administrators reviewed the SLC Preference Ballot, the Teacher Placement Recommendation Task Force process, and From Now to Wow! Q and A 42
January: Finding Your Fit (cont.) January 21 st : Deadline for teachers to submit their SLC Preference Ballot January 27 th : A 16 member Teacher Placement Recommendation Task Force placed teachers in each SLC The Department Chairs met to review the Task Force’s work 43
SLC Preference Ballot 44
Teacher Placement Grid Results 45
Teacher Placement Grid Results 46
Final Thought: Even if the High School Construction Project referendum in May should fail, we will still implement SLC’s and redesign CGHS’s programs! 47
Fast FAQ’s How will my child choose an SLC? We will use a ballot system and attempt to give each child one of his/her top choices while balancing each SLC demographically. Will my child be able to change SLC’s? Yes, at least once and possibly more. Can my child still be in Yearbook, play on the tennis team, and serve on Student Council? Yes, yes, and yes. Can my child still see his/her friends in other SLC’s? Yes, for example during passing periods or lunch, through passporting, or through participation in co-curricular or ECA’s. Will my child be a CGHS graduate? Yes, and the diploma might list his/her SLC. Will my child have a “regular” high school experience? No, it will be better than regular! 48
Resources CGHS website: SLC channel CGHS website: High School Redesign ProjectHigh School Redesign Project ECHS video: Opportunity for a LifetimeOpportunity for a Lifetime NTHS video: NTHS: New Schools & New Skills for the 21 st CenturyNTHS: New Schools & New Skills for the 21 st Century The Partnership for 21 st Century Skills The Partnership for 21 st Century Skills Paul Buck: , x1439 Matt Shockley , x
CGHS SLC Channel 51
High School Program Redesign Project: Information for the Community 52
High School Program Redesign Project: Information for the Staff 53