European Colonization of the Americas
Big Picture Columbus changed the world forever – Columbian exchange European nations raced to expand their empires and power Renaissance and Reformation were key to colonization Religious, political and economical conditions promoted emigration
Life in Western Europe Farming society: – Peasants grow food and livestock – Villages with family households: patrilineal – Men- field work – Women- childcare, livestock, food Social life: – Feudalism: A medieval European social system in which land was divided into hundreds of small holdings – Feudal lords control land, labor and taxes (crop tributes) – Christianity- Roman Catholic until Protestant Reformation – Persecution of “pagan” religions – Poor diet, poor health, famine, plagues
Renaissance and Mercantilism European monarchies consolidate power -> internal order, standing armies, bureaucracies, trading contracts Crusades -> silk & spice trade, new technologies (gunpowder, compass, printing & movable type) and Renaissance Exploration and expansion begins
Portugal 1 st Renaissance kingdom to explore distant lands by sea motivated by potential trading empire Sponsored geographers, instrument makers, shipbuilders Africa: gold, slaves, access to Asia
Spain Reconquista: Catholic Spanish monarchs 100 year fight to end Muslim rule of Spain Experience of conquest + observation of Portuguese success -> Columbus’ voyage Goals- new trade routes, occupy territory, slaves, spices (sugar), GOLD, conversion HUGE American empire (WCIV II) Intercontinental exchange aka Triangle Trade Colonial settlement: 325,000 colonialists (European & African) 10:1 men to women -> intermarriage
Spanish Empire
France Go north due to Spanish & Portuguese dominance of southern areas Fish & Fur: Cod in North Atlantic, Beaver pelts France looking for northern passage Indies -> Great Lakes, Ohio, Mississippi Contacts based on commerce rather than conquest (initially) Inter-Indian fighting over contact w/Europeans Protestant Reformation-> religious persecution & violence-> people looking to live elsewhere
England 16 th century displacement of peasants, for sheep grazing Overcrowding of cities Reformation: Henry VII wants to divorce his Spanish wife, breaks from Catholic Church Uses Church lands to promote economic growth English “Sea Dogs:- raid Spanish ships Slave transportaion
English Settlements Enter competition for America Outposts for raids Trade w/ Indians Plantations for tropical crops (Sugar, tobacco) Solution to overpopulation PRIVATE ventures, not state sponsored Failed attempts in Newfoundland lead to Roanoke, Virginia (Lost Colony) 1588 English defeat Spanish Armada- open Americas to other nations