Reform & Terror of Revolution
Aug. 1789: peasants targeted upper classes
I. The End of the Old Regime Aug. 4, 1789: nobles joined Nat’l Assembly Abolished all remnants of feudalism Repealed tithes & canceled feudal dues owed by peasants Privileges of First & Second Estate abolished OLD REGIME = DEAD!
Aug. 27, 1789: Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen Men are born equal & remain equal before the law Freedom of speech, press, religion All citizens had equal right to public office Slogan of Fr. Rev. = “liberty, equality, fraternity” Women excluded Olympe de Gouges: Declaration of Women and Citizenesses (rejected by Nat’l Assembly)
II. Reforms in Govt : passed many laws correcting abuses, set up new govt. Divided Fr. into 83 districts (departments) 1789: assumed national debt Seized Church lands (offered to public) –pay off debt! 1790: Civil Constitution of the Clergy PEOPLE in the parishes would elect clergy Church lost both lands & political independence Many peasants opposed assembly’s reforms
A. Louis Tries to Escape June 20-21, 1791: royal fam. tried to escape to Austrian Netherlands Apprehended at border & returned to Paris
III. The Constitution of : Nat’l Assembly finished Constitution Limited authority of king & est. govt. into 3 branches king could not proclaim laws or block laws passed by legislature Legislative Assembly: create laws
A. Factions Split France Food shortages & debt remained Legislative Assembly split Radicals (left wing) Moderates Conservatives (right wing) Old Regime died hard: many nobles fled to other countries Emigres = restore Old Regime sans-culottes (“those w/out knee breeches”)
IV. The End of the Monarchy Neighboring countries feared Fr. fate Austria & Prussia wanted Louis reinstated Issued the Declaration of Pillnitz April 1792: Legislative Assembly declared war Invaded Fr. Radicals seized control of Paris (the Commune) ABOLISH MONARCHY! Aug. 10, 1792: office of king suspended Louis & family taken from Tuileries Palace to the Temple Commune ruled Paris, Leg. Assem. governed Fr.
Fr. needed a new const. Leg. Assem. voted itself out of existence Needed a Nat’l Convention
V. The French Republic Delegates elected by universal manhood suffrage
A. The Nat’l Convention Sept. 1792: first meeting Divided into 3 groups (no support for king) 1. Girondists – republicans, middle-class, feared domination by Paris 2. Jacobins— extreme radicals republicans, favored domination by Paris Georges-Jacques Danton, Maximilien Robespierre, Jean-Paul Marat 3. group that had no definite views
Nat’l Convention governed 3 yrs. End of monarchy, beginning of republic Create new constitution, suppress disorder at home, fight foreign invaders Louis XVI tried for treason Jan. 21, 1793: beheaded by guillotine Shocked Western world
B. Exporting the Revolution Fr. armies stopped invasion Invaded Austrian Netherlands SPREAD IDEAS OF REVOLUTION! Brit., Netherlands, Spain, & Sardinia joined Austria & Prussia to form alliance (the First Coalition) Invaded Fr. 1793: Committee of Public Safety Crush foreign armies Revolutionary Tribunal—to try “enemies of the Rev.” Conscription (the draft) Men of ALL classes fought
Jacobins controlled Nat’l Convention Arrested Girondists Charlotte Corday assassinated Jean-Paul Marat (1793)
VI. The Reign of Terror Nat’l Convention suppressed all opposition 1793: Maximilien Robespierre gained power Build a “republic of virtue” Redrew calendars to eliminate Sunday (religion) Leader of the Committee of Public Safety (dictator) Prd. = the Reign of Terror (Sept July 1794) Goal = protect the Rev. from “enemies” Challenged leadership Many executed on mere suspicion Spring 1794: Geoges Danton spoke out Executed July 1794: Robespierre executed
VII. Work of the Nat’l Convention Made many reforms Public education Abolished slavery in colonies Adopted metric system By 1795: citizen army drove out invaders First Coalition broke up Crushed uprising in Paris
A. The Directory 1795: another Const. Universal manhood suffrage disappeared Wealthy controlled the govt. Est. an executive branch (5 directors) Governed Fr. (4 yrs) Economic situation worsened Unpopular Under Robespierre blood was spilled & we had bread. Now blood is no longer spilled, & we have no bread. Perhaps we must spill some blood in order to have bread.