Andmeaida kasutamine Hansapangas Indrek Heinloo Äriteabe osakonna juhataja, Hansapank
Teemad Veidi andmeaida arenguloost Ülevaade mõnest äriülesandest Kuluarvestus (Activity Based Costing) Kasumlikkuse arvestamine Data Stewardship
DWH/CRM evolution in Hansabank 1Q02 - Personal pre- calculated long-term credit limits. Customers Regular Income calculations. Personal pre-calculated short-term credit limits. 1Q02 - Customers needs (& products) based segmentation (v3.0) Personal offers to customers. Customers assets & products based segmentation (v1.x) Customers Income & Products based segmentation (v2.0). 3Q01 - Personal credit cards & overdraft offers in HanzaNet Customers Loyalty program (v1.0) 1Q02 – SingleView v1.0. FTP, ABC calculations. Customers Profitability (v1.0) Customers Profitability v2.0 1Q02 - CM App v1.2. 1Q00 – CM App v1.0. 2Q02 - CM App v1.3. 4Q99 – Starting with NCR Teradata (V2.R3) DWH & NCR LDM (2.1) 1Q02 –Upgrading to new 2-Node MPP system WM 4855 (V2.R4.1) ... 1999 2000 2001 2002
DWH/CRM evolution in Hansabank 2003 2004 2005 3Q04 –after LT data loading upgrading dwh to 4-Node 2Q 03 Data mining tool selection & purchase 2Q03 – CM platform change, multi-language support 4Q03 – SME scoring in CM EE, LV 3Q04 - CM in LT, SME scoring and contact management functionality 3Q03 – dwh based Single view of customers in LV 2Q 2003 LV, LT ABC calculations. 3Q03 – CM in LV 1Q 03 Hummingbird web version purchase & deployment LV, EE 2Q03 – EE, LV first round of loading done, incl. Markets’ data 3Q03 – EE, LV all ABC model data (except OF) from dwh 3Q03 – contact management functionality in CM 3Q03 – LT dwh loading pilot 4Q03 – customer profitability calculations on dwh data from one cube 2Q04 – EE all Powerplay cubes migrated from Analysis to dwh 2Q04 – EE all klient2.exe functionality in Single View 3Q04 – LT dwh 1st data loading round complete
Andmeaida esimesed kasutuskohad Automatiseeritud müük Segmendiarvutused Limiidiarvutused Automaatsed pakkumised Operatiivne kliendihaldusprogramm (CM) Kliendi koondvaade “SingleView” Finantsmõõtmine Activity Based Costing (ABC) Fund Transfer Pricing (FTP)
Activity Based Costing
Activity Based Costing (ABC) Product Product Product Product Product Products Loans + Interest Income - FTP Expense Deposits + FTP Income - Interest Expense Maturity Mismatch + Interest Income - Interest Expense + Net Fees + Other Income - Operating Expenses - Credit Losses = EVA - Capital Charge Different Expense Types Personnel Administration IT etc. Products Payments Cash Services Fund Management etc. Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Different Expense Types Personnel Administration IT etc. Product Product Product Products Product Product Products
ABC in Hansabank Resource Activity Cost Object Support Units 1. Direct allocation to Product/Channel/ Segment Support Units Operating Expenses Support Activities 2. BU overhead expenses IT Operating Expenses IT services Business Units 1. Operating Expenses Cost allocation to Product/Channel/ Segment BU Activities 2. Support and IT service expenses
“ABC” ülesande sisu IT jaoks I Andmete kättesaadavus & kvaliteet Kulude arvestus raamatupidamises Piisav detailsus Kvaliteet -> 100% Toodete “faktid” dimentsionaalses struktuuris Kõik tooted, kõik lepingud Piisav kvaliteet +-10% Mappingud II Andmemahud & arvutused (1 kuu kohta): ~ 10,000 kuluallikat (Resource) (osakond x kululiik) ~ 5,000 kulukandjat (Cost Object) (toode x kanal x segment x riik) Kokku ~ 30,000 kuluobjekti (“Account”) Iga object on seotud keskmiselt 10 teise objektiga Iga kulukandja on seotud läbi mudelite ~ 500 kuluallikaga
Kasumlikkuse arvestamine
Kasumlikkuse mudel EVA (economic value added) = Net Interest + Fee Income + Other Income – Operating Expenses – Risk cost – Capital cost interest rate maturity FTP* rate loan interest deposit interest deposit income loan mismatch * Funds Transfer Pricing
Ülesande sisu IT jaoks Andmevajaduse hüppeline kasv Segments Channels Fact Products
Ülesande sisu IT jaoks Andmevajaduse hüppeline kasv Andmete kvaliteet -> 100% + kontrolli võimalus (!) “Keerulised” andmed Ärireeglid Arvutused
Data Stewardship & Data Governance
Information Value Chain Creation and modification Storage Transformation Key issues: Availability – information has to exist Accuracy – information has to be correct Consistency – information has to match definitions Standardization – information has to be consistent throughout all transformations Accessibility – information has to be available for end-users Timeliness – information has to be available at the right time Usability – information has to be presented in an efficient way Efficiency – information has to help to make the right decisions Comparability – information has to be comparable for different periods and usable for benchmarking Delivery Usage
Traditional business intelligence management process Business Manager: need for management information Sales Reporting Portfolio Overview Profitability + Risk Measurement The setbacks of such setup 1. Reporting is time consuming 2. Inefficient use of human resources 3. Business formulas and definitions are kept in working files (excel) 4. Different versions of “truth” bacause of + differences in data between sources + difference in definitions 5. High risk of human error Business Analyst: Searching for the most appropriate data source Data handling (excel, access, etc) Calculations EDW, analytical databases, operational databases: ad-hoc queries, regular queries
Data Stewardship Framework Data Users Finance & Analysis Risk Management IR + CB + Swed Marketing Consolidation, standardization, translating, documenting requirements Data Stewards solution knowledge sharing requirements requirements solution Data Custodians = IT service managers Data Owners = Product Managers