Global Water Scarcity Personal Proof Project Educate By: Michael Schiestel 5 th Hour Areas affected by water scarcityFamilies may have to travel over long distances and harsh terrain to have access to water
The definition of water scarcity is: The lack of enough water (quantity) or access to safe drinking water (quality) There is economic water scarcity (lack of money or resources to find a source of safe water) and a physical scarcity (there just simply isn’t enough water). With safe water, people can spend less time suffering from water- related diseases and can return to school or to the work of lifting themselves out of poverty. What is Water Scarcity?
One in nine people worldwide lack access to safe water. Every minute a child dies of a water-related disease. By 2025, 1.8 billion will be living in a condition of water scarcity. According to the UN, the global population will reach 8.1 billion in Less water scarcity leads to more food security as well, which could lead to a lessening of the effects of famines. Additional Facts
Conclusions 1. Water Scarcity Exists 2. Billions lack access to safe water worldwide 3. Time is spent gathering water 4. Thousands suffer and die from water related disease 5. Students, when freed from water related diseases and time spent gathering water, can go to school and families can work to lift themselves out of poverty. 6. Water scarcity is a problem Justifications 1. Given billion people live in areas of water scarcity 3. Women and children spend 140 million hours a day collecting water ,000 people die each year from water related diseases crisis/water-facts/water 5. 6. Time spent gathering water and suffering from water-related disease prevent people from getting an education and working to lift themselves out of poverty Personal Proof
Conditional: If, people have access to safe water, then they will get an education and work to lift themselves out of poverty. Converse: If, people get an education and work to lift themselves out of poverty, then, they have access to safe drinking water. Inverse: If, people do not have access to safe drinking water, then, they do not get an education and do not work to lift themselves out of poverty. Contrapositive: If, people do not get an education and do not work to lift themselves out of poverty, then, they do not have access to safe drinking water. Conditional Statements