THE CHURCH OF THE REFORMATION LO’s: LO’s: Recognize the positive place of the Church in the lives of ordinary people in the centuries before the Reformation. Identify negative aspects of Church life that contributed to the Reformation -
STARTER QUIZ Name three significant events within the history of Christianity that we looked at last class Who invented the printing press? In what year? Why did the Catholic Church disprove of the printing press?
SOME POSITIVES Although it did not always promote peace, the Catholic Church was the greatest promoter of Europe’s cultural and social unity during the Middle ages. People had a common faith, which influenced their life to a great degree.
MORE NEGATIVES Only the Church had the authority to interpret scripture. Many saw heaven as life’s only reward and were motivated to do good works to save their souls rather than to help others.
CORRUPTION Because of a shortage of priests caused by the Black Death and war, Bishops often ordained uneducated or untested men. The high cost of books prevented priests from updating their learning. Religious relics were very popular and people often treated them as if they were magic. Sometimes these were sold or people had to pay to see them. Some relics were fake Popes had illegitimate children, sold church positions and were involved in several forms of bribery
MORE… The Great Western Schism- Urban VI vs Clement VII Excommunicated each other, Division amongst Europe followed. The Renaissance- began in Florence in the fourteenth century. Period of human creativity which placed value on the human person and their potential.
HUMANISTS Stemmed from the Renaissance period. Believed that reason and education lead to self- improvement
QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION Which of these problems is the most serious? Why? Which problem is the easiest to fix? How?
ACTIVITY Get into groups of 2-3. Match each card about the situation of pre-reformation Europe with another card containing a fictional newspaper headline paralleling a situation in education today.