SESSION 6: INtegrating Gender Into Agricultural Value Chains (INGIA-VC)
SESSION GOAL To familiarize workshop participants with how gender analysis can address gender constraints in value chain activities
Participants: –Kenya Maize Development Program –Kenya Dairy Sector Competitiveness Program –Kenya Horticulture Development Program Workshop required 5 day commitment from each program group : –2 days of classroom training –2 days of interactive field visits –1 day wrap-up session to integrate theory and practice 3 INtegrating Gender Into Agricultural Value Chains (INGIA-VC) Workshop (September 15-25, 2008)
WORKSHOP PURPOSE To identify and address gender constraints in agricultural value chain activities by improving and developing staff members’: knowledge of gender analysis skills in gender-relevant data collection skills in applying gender analysis to activities 4
5 WORKSHOP PROCESS Introduction to value chains Introduction to gender analysis Application of gender analysis framework to program activities Field visits to collect data and test ideas Merging of framework and data
THE INGIA-VC PROCESS Map the participation of men and women in the value chain Identify the gender-based constraints and opportunities Design solutions to remove gender-based constraints Construct indicators to measure success of action Revise program objectives as needed to be more gender-sensitive 6