Leafy Vegetables Germplasm: Stimulating Use Contract number: AGRI-2006-0262 Agreement number: 001 AGRI GENRES 870/2004 Partner 4 Palacky Palacký University in Olomouc Faculty of Science Department of Botany Olomouc – Holice Czech Republic overview of work in the year 2007 for project meeting in Angers (France) 12-13 December 2007
Role of partner 4 Palacky in the project: The group at Palacký University is directly engaged in two workpackages (WPs), WP2: Regeneration & characterization WP3: Evaluation; Some activities are connected with tasks in WP1: Documentation; Partner P4 develops activities leading to fulfillment of tasks in the WP5: Coordination.
Project design and deliverables: Partner 4 will chararecterize morphologically 30 accessions of lettuce (WP2 - to be delivered in month 45); Partner 4 will evaluated 30 accessions of lettuce (identical to those used in WP2) for resistance to 20 isolates of Bremia lactucae (WP3 – to be delivered in month 45); Obtained data will be delivered in harmonized format to project database.
WP1: Documentation Year 1 Milestone date Milestone description month 06 Material selected for regeneration and characterization of the four crop groups month 12 Material selected for the evaluation activities of the four crop groups Persons involved: senior researcher: Aleš Lebeda junior researcher: Eva Křístková Action: Request for 30 accessions of old lettuce cultivars sent to curator of the Czech National Germplasm Collection – Research Institute of Crop Production (RICP) in Praha – Ruzyně www.vurv.cz; Requested collection of accessions was provided by RICP.
WP2: Regeneration & characterization Year 1 Milestone date Milestone description Partner responsible – in format for projst reports month 12 Regeneration and characterisation for all crops started P0, P1, P2, P3, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P13 Milestone date Milestone description Partner responsible – harmonized by partner 4 month 12 Regeneration and characterisation for all crops started P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P13
Persons involved: senior researcher: Aleš Lebeda junior researchers: Ivana Doležalová Eva Křístková Alžběta Novotná Vladimír Vinter technicians: Xenie Hanáková Marie Lechnerová Ladislava Vaverková Drahomíra Vondráková Vladimír Všetička
1. Plant material (lettuce): EVIGEZ number Name of cultivar RICP09H5700004 Kamýk RICP09H5700005 Liban RICP09H5700011 Lednický RICP09H5700014 Podřipan RICP09H5700019 Pražan RICP09H5700021 Altenburský RICP09H5700030 Pisárecký raný RICP09H5700031 Pisárecký žlutozelený RICP09H5700032 Hanácký letní RICP09H5700034 Valašský universal RICP09H5700036 Malý pochoutka RICP09H5700040 Kunovický RICP09H5700041 Opavský RICP09H5700042 Zlatý rekord RICP09H5700044 Tichotův raný 15 accessions: old, traditional Czech cultivars; basic passport data available: www.vurv.cz part databases part EVIGEZ
2. Methods (description of the work in 2007 – characterization of lettuce germplasm accessions) 6-7 March: seeds of 15 accessions sown to Perlite; 16-17 March: seedlings transplanted to the plant beds with garden soil; 19 April: plantlets with 10-12 fully developed leaves planted to the field, spaced 50 x 50 cm; each accession was represented by 24 plants; during vegetative growth of plants - morphologic characterization • for 8 descriptors according to the minimum descriptor list (elaborated by the ECP/WG Leafy Vegetables and agreeded for the project) and • for 11 additional descriptors (Křístková et al., 2007, submitted); photodocumentation, sampling of achenes
Seed sowing to Perlit, transplanting seedlings to the blantbeds in greenhouse
Views on lettuce accessions in the field in 2007 10 August 2007 19 June 2007
Set of minimum descriptors for Lactuca sativa (ECP/GR, agreed by LVG in Olomouc 2005) Descriptor name Descriptor state Note Seed colour 1=white/cream, 2=yellow, 3=brown, 4=black Flower anthocyanin content 0=absent, 1=present Leaf anthocyanin content (stand.) 0=absent, 3=weak, 5=medium, 7=strong At harvest maturity Outer leaf colour 1=yellow green, 2=green, 3=grey green, 4=blue green, 5=red green Outer leaf colour intensity 3=light, 5=medium, 7=dark Head shape (in longitudinal section) 0=head not formed, 1=elliptic, 2=broad elliptic, 3=circular, 4=transverse elliptic Heart formation 0=absent, 3=slight, 5=moderate, 7=well developed Homogeneity 1=completely homogeneous, 3=slightly heterogeneous, 5=moderate heterogeneous, 7=very heterogeneous, 9=completely heterogeneous
Ingeniously elaborated Czech (IECZ) descriptor list for Lactuca sativa germplasm 11 additional descriptors selected from: Description of morphological characters of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) genetic resources E. Křístková, I. Doležalová, A. Lebeda, V. Vinter, A. Novotná (submitted to Plant Genetic Resources (CABI Publishing, UK). The set consists of 55 descriptors and 15 of them are elucidated by figures. Example of figure to descriptor „Leaf blade – shape of apex“: 1 truncate – 2 rounded – 3 obtuse – 4 subacute - 5mucronate
Examples of L. sativa descriptors in IECZ: Descriptor number Descripton name Descriptor state 1.3. Adult outer leaf (and leaf of non-heading types of lettuce) 1.3.1. * Outer adult leaf - colour 1 yellow green 2 green 3 gray green 4 blue green 5 red and green 99 other 1.3.2. Outer adult leaf – intensity of colour 3 slight 5 moderate 7 intense * Outer adult leaf – anthocyanin –distribution 0 absent 1 on the veins 2 on the blade margin 3 diffused on the entire lamina 4 in spots on the entire lamina Outer adult leaf – anthocyanin - intensity of coloration 0 none 1.3.11.* Outer adult leaf - blistering
IECZ descriptor Minimum set ECP/GR Example of harmonization of obtained data Descriptor for „ Flower, resp. Inflorescence“ IECZ descriptor Minimum set ECP/GR Descriptor number Descriptor name Descriptor state Flower – anthocyanin – distribution pattern on lower part of ligules 0 absent 1 in spots 2 on margin 3 diffused on surface 99 other 1 present Flower anthocyanin content
4. Results Examples of evaluated characteristics 1. Uniformity in basic characteristics assessed cultivar Liban cultivar Kamýk
2. Heterogeneity in head formation within cultivar Pražan
3. Symptoms of Edge burn on cultivar Pražan
4. Necrosis of flower buds - cultivar Zlatý rekord symptoms expressed only on several plants
5. Heterogeneity in developmental stages within accessions Opavský 1 plant Kunovický 50:50
6. Differences in developmental stages among accessions
WP3: Evaluation month 18 Evaluations started Started in month 6 Year 1 Milestone date Milestone description Status Partner Palacky month 18 Evaluations started Started in month 6 Persons involved: senior researcher: Aleš Lebeda junior researcher: Irena Petrželová Action: totally 30 isolates of Bremia lactucae controlled in pathogenicity tests in growth chamber on a basic set of differential lettuce genotypes 20 isolates pre-selected for evaluation in year 2 (2008)
WP5. Co-ordination and dissemination Persons involved: senior researcher: Aleš Lebeda junior researcher: Eva Křístková Action: participation at meetings, elaboration of projects reports, financial agenda Article on LeafyVeg Project was translated into Czech and sent to „Žurnál“ - official journal of Palacký University in Olomouc and provided to expert group „MedVěd“ which is responsible for communication with media and spreading information on University research activities to public
Other issues: E. Křístková, I. Doležalová, A. Lebeda, V. Vinter, A. Novotná: Description of morphological characters of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) genetic resources (submitted in 2007 to Plant Genetic Resources (CABI Publishing, UK)).
Comments no problems with the study of lettuce no bottlenecks difficulties with co-financing external audit – much money to be payied for this action not closely connected to the project itself Euro/CZK – not possible to keep exactly what was planned in each category
We thank you for your kind attention.