BIOMES A look at how they are each a unique system on Earth
What is a Biome ? Biome : A broad, regional type of ecosystem characterized by distinctive climate and soil conditions and a distinctive biological community adapted to those conditions.
What are the major characteristics we use to identify biomes? The most common methods we use to distinguish biomes are the following: Climate Vegetation Soil Landforms (topography) Plants and Animals
Climate Cold desert climate:
Vegetation Arctic Vegetation: In the high arctic there is no real form of vegetation as it is too cold to support annual ground cover. However the lower arctic is often associated with tundra cover in selected areas.
Soil Arctic soil and permafrost:
Landforms Arctic Landforms:
Plants Arctic Flora: In the short summer, months depending on the location, small arctic flowers appear.
Animals Arctic Animal Life:
The System Connection In the Arctic ecosystem all of the elements identified are interconnected to maintain life within the system. Interdependency is the most important aspect within any system. Without one component the system may not be able to survive.
The System Connection