Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey CIRP The Freshman Survey 2009 Higher Education Research Institute, University of California at Los Angeles First-time Full-time Freshmen who entered College in 2009 National Norms Data N=219,864
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey CIRP The Freshman Survey Administered to all incoming first-time, first-year college students Comprehensive survey that examines characteristics and expectations of incoming students upon entering college First part of a longitudinal assessment program Freshman Survey Your First College Year College Senior Survey
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey CIRP The Freshman Survey 44 th year Over 13 million students Over 1,900 schools Largest and longest running study of higher education
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Presentation Summary Demographics Demographics Finances Finances High School High School Admissions Admissions College Choice College Choice Diversity Diversity Self-ratings Self-ratings Habits of Mind Habits of Mind Political and Social Views Political and Social Views Values Values Degree Aspirations Degree Aspirations Expectations Expectations
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Demographics Native English Speakers: 91.6% First-Generation: 19.6%
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Demographics Race/Ethnicity
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Finances Family Income
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Finances Source for College Expenses
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Finances Level of Concern About Ability to Finance College Education
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey High School Type of High School Attended
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey High School Average Grade in High School
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey High School Tutoring or Remedial Work
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey High School Racial Composition: High School and Neighborhood
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey High School Frequency of Activity During the Past Year as High School Senior asked teacher for was a guest in a tutored another student studied with other performed community advice after class teacher’s home students service for class ■ occasionally ■ frequently
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey High School Frequency of Activity During the Past Year as High School Senior came late to class was bored in class discussed religion discussed politics voted in student participated in election political demonstration ■ occasionally ■ frequently
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey High School Frequency of Activity During the Past Year as High School Senior socialized with another performed attended a religious smoked cigarettes drank drank beer racial/ethnic group volunteer work service wine or liquor ■ occasionally ■ frequently
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey High School Frequency of Activity During the Past Year as High School Senior played a musical felt depressed felt overwhelmed used internet to used internet for used internet to instrument read news sites research or homework read blogs ■ occasionally ■ frequently
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey High School Hours spent in a typical week during last year in high school None< 1 hr1-5 hrs6-10 hrs > 10 hrs Studying/homework2.3%12.4%50.6%18.8%15.9% Socializing with friends0.4%1.6%26.9%26.3%44.7% Talking with teachers outside of class9.9%42.5%42.6%3.2%1.8% Exercise or sports5.0%8.7%33.1%18.7%34.5% Partying30.3%15.6%35.8%10.5%7.8% Working (for pay)37.2%3.3%12.9%12.5%34.1% Volunteer work26.6%22.3%39.8%6.0%5.3% Student clubs/groups27.7%14.7%42.1%8.0%7.6% Watching TV6.9%15.4%51.6%15.3%10.7% Household/childcare duties19.3%20.8%48.6%6.4%4.7% Reading for pleasure25.7%23.4%38.7%7.1%5.1% Playing video/computer games41.0%19.8%26.9%6.3%6.0% Online social networks (MySpace, Facebook, etc.)8.1%18.4%51.7%11.6%10.0%
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Admissions Number of Applications Submitted to Other Colleges
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey College Choice
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey College Choice How important was each reason in your decision to come here? parents wanted me relatives wanted me teacher advised me high school counselor private college to come here to come here advised me counselor advised me ■ somewhat important ■ very important
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey College Choice How important was each reason in your decision to come here? very good graduates go to graduates get rankings in information from reputation for academic reputation good grad schools good jobs national magazines website social activities ■ somewhat important ■ very important
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey College Choice How important was each reason in your decision to come here? cost to attend offered financial not offered aid by couldn’t afford athletic department assistance first choice first choice recruited me ■ somewhat important ■ very important
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey College Choice How important was each reason in your decision to come here? wanted to live a visit to campus religious size of school admitted through ability to take near home affiliation/orientation early action/decision online courses ■ somewhat important ■ very important
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey How many miles is this college from your permanent home?
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Where do you plan to live during the fall term?
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Highest 10% Above Average Below Average Lowest 10% Ability to see the world from someone else’s perspective19.4%46.4%31.8%2.2%0.2% Tolerance of others with different beliefs28.8%44.2%24.2%2.4%0.3% Openness to having my views challenged18.8%39.9%34.9%5.7%0.7% Ability to discuss/negotiate controversial issues22.7%40.7%32.0%4.3%0.4% Ability to work cooperatively with diverse people32.3%46.2%20.4%0.9%0.2% Diversity Compared to the average person your age, rate yourself on your…
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Self-ratings Compared to the average person your age, rate yourself on your… self-understanding academic ability intellectual writing ability math ability computer skills self-confidence ■ above average ■ highest 10%
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Self-ratings Compared to the average person your age, rate yourself on your… leadership ability drive to achieve social self-confidence public speaking popularity understanding ability of others ■ above average ■ highest 10%
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Self-ratings Compared to the average person your age, rate yourself on your… cooperativeness emotional health physical health spirituality artistic ability creativity ■ above average ■ highest 10%
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Habits of Mind In the past year, how frequently did you?
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Habits of Mind In the past year, how frequently did you?
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Political and Social Views How would you characterize your political views?
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Political and Social Views Students from disadvantaged social backgrounds should be given preferential treatment in college admissions
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Political and Social Views Colleges have the right to ban extreme speakers from campus
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Political and Social Views Dissent is a critical component of the political process
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey keeping up to influencing the creating artistic becoming writing original making a theoretical date with political works accomplished in the works contribution to political affairs structure performing arts science ■ very important ■ essential Values Please indicate the importance to you personally of each of the following
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey becoming a becoming successful obtaining recognition becoming an authority community leader in my own business from colleagues in my field in my field ■ very important ■ essential Values Please indicate the importance to you personally of each of the following
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Values Please indicate the importance to you personally of each of the following participating in a adopting “green” becoming involved helping to promote improving my community practices to protect in programs to clean racial understanding understanding of action program the environment the environment other countries/cultures ■ very important ■ essential
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey influencing developing a meaningful helping others who raising a family being very well social values philosophy of life are in difficulty off financially ■ very important ■ essential Values Please indicate the importance to you personally of each of the following
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Degree Aspirations
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Expectations “Very Good Chance” Student Will…
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Expectations “Very Good Chance” Student Will…
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Expectations “Very Good Chance” Student Will…
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey Expectations “Very Good Chance” Student Will…
Return to contents CIRP Freshman Survey For more information about CIRP Surveys The Freshmen Survey Your First College Year Survey College Senior Survey (310)