Personality Consumer Behavior
2 Three Ways to “Understand” Consumers Situation, Context Where are they? What’s around them? Social Roles Who are they with? Who’s watching? Personality Traits What are the like? Emotional makeup?
Freudian Personality Structure The ID Strong, subconscious, impelling drive. Center of energy. Knows no restraint. The SUPEREGO Internalization of social constraints. Subconscious level. Inculcated by parents. The EGO Conscious reconciliation agent. Stands between the id and superego.
Freudian Personality Structure Nature of the ID Below the level of consciousness. Source of power for the personality. Knows no limits or constraints. Shuttles between sexuality and aggression.
Freudian Personality Structure Nature of the SUPEREGO Below the level of consciousness. Obtains power from id and has none of its own. Internalization of social constraints from parents. Provides static resistance to drives.
Freudian Personality Structure Nature of the EGO Operates at the conscious level. Derives its power from the id. Reconciles the drives of id and the constraints of superego. Seeks satisfaction for drives in socially acceptable ways.
Freudian Defense Mechanisms Repression — Reactions to insults and attacks are stifled and pushed below the level of consciousness. Rationalization — Reactions to drives and actions inhibited by the superego are explained intellectually after the fact. Displacement — Aggressive drives are focused away from more powerful or beloved figures toward less threatening or holy ones. Projection — Id drives unacceptable to the superego are projected to other people or objects to obtain vicarious satisfaction.
Motivation Research Projective Tests Depth interviews. Ink-blot and TAT stimuli. Word association. Sentence completion. Cartoon balloonibution.
9 Freudian Personality Dynamics Oral stage — Birth to eighteen months. Anal stage — Eighteen months to four years. Phallic stage — Four years to puberty. Oedipal (Electra) phase. Latency phase. Genital stage — Adolescence
10 FreudianTrauma and Fixation Trauma Injury or damage to the psyche. Fixation Termination of psychological growth at the stage of development where the fixation occurred. Physical and intellectual growth continues, but emotional growth stops entirely.
11 The ORAL Stage From birth to about eighteen months or two years of age. Main concern is with oral gratification; with suckling. Secondary concern with succorance and sensual gratification. Traumatized - What are the main characteristics of those with an “oral” personality?
12 The Anal Stage From about eighteen months or two years to four or five years of age. Main concern is with bowel and bladder control. Secondary concern with physical and emotional control. Traumatized - What are the main characteristics of those with an “anal expulsive” and an “anal retentive” personality?
13 The Phallic Stage Oedipal (Electra) phase—From about five to nine years of age. Latency phase—From about nine to thirteen years of age. Main concern is with establishing sexual identity. Traumatized - What are the main characteristics of heterosexuals fixated at this stage?
14 The Genital Stage From adolescence through adulthood to death. What are the main characteristics of those with a “genital” personality with regard to sensual gratification? What are their main characteristics with regard to internal and external control? What are their main characteristics with regard to sexual identity?
15 Social Orientations Compliant Goes with the crowd. Aggressive Goes against the crowd. Detached Goes away from the crowd.
16 Social Character Types Tradition-Directed Norms, values, attitudes come from past generations. Inner-Directed Norms, values, attitudes come from childhood training. Other-Directed Norms, values, attitudes come from peer influence.
17 Three Different Worlds Doing Types The world of actions, behavior, and processes. Feeling Types The world of affect, feelings, emotions and moods. Owning Types The world of property, money, and material goods.