In-Class Assignment Thursday December 4, 2014
Using complete sentences, a) define each term/phrase and b) explain how the terms/phrases connect together. i.e. Espionage and the Red Scare: Espionage means spying, which took place during the Cold War when the Soviet Union had spy rings in Canada and the U.S. Spies were said to be looking particularly for the secrets of the atomic bomb. During the Cold War there was a lot of paranoia about Soviet spying, the spread of Communism, and the potential nuclear threat it posed to the U.S. The Red Scare is a term used to describe a time when Americans (and Canadians) were basically afraid of the Soviet Union; manifested through propaganda, duck and cover protocol, etc.
Is war easier? a) Is the way we fight on the ground today (i.e. war in Afghanistan) easier than the way we fought in WW1 or WW2? Explain using as many specific example of ground warfare techniques and weapons as possible. BACK THENNOW
b) If we had to fight in trenches, would we still be as supportive of intervening in international conflicts? In other words, do our current weapons/aircraft/strategies make us braver, more confident and/or safer? Answer using specific reference to the evolution of weapons, conditions of fighting, and the possibility of injury/death.
“All is fair in love and war” - Francis Edward Smedley Should the atomic bomb have been created? Just because the technology was developed, should it have been used?
For each of the following explosive weapons, explain how their development either increased or decreased the amount of both civilian and military loss. Conventional bombs - Nuclear weapons - GPS guided missiles -
The strategic air bombings in WW2 unleashed the notion that it is ok to kill military and civilians alike in times of war. a)Why do you think it became important to include the protection of civilian persons in the Geneva Convention? b)Should an international law exist to explicitly ban the bombing of non-military targets?
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” ― Albert Einstein How do you think future wars will be fought? Support your answer with three (3) examples of advanced weapons (i.e. aircraft, explosive weapons, strategies)Albert Einstein