Chapter 7: Documenting Your Sources Alyssa Estioko, Railene Gloria, Isabella Cebreros, Madison Abuyo-Cartagena
Citing Your Sources in Your Paper When quoting sources in your paper, you must cite the source you use in order to provide credit to a person's ownership of the idea. You must provide documentation for: ◦ any direct quotation ◦ any idea that has come from someone else's work ◦ any fact or statistic that is not widely known Two ways to cite sources in "Works Cited" of a paper: MLA (Modern Language Association) style or APA (American Psychological Association) style.
Parenthetical Documentation MLA Style Author's last name is followed by a page reference; sometimes a brief title should be included after the author's name ◦ emphasizes the author and the author's work and place APA Style Identify the author of the work and the year in which the work was published; sometimes page numbers are included ◦emphasizes the author and the date of publication Example) The idea of environmental sustainability can become the centerpiece of a college curriculum (Orr 133). or David Orr has argued persuasively that the idea of environmental sustainability should be the centerpiece of a college curriculum (133). Example) Native American students face the challenge of tring to maintain their cultural heritage while assimilating into mainstream American culture (Peshkin, 1997). or Peshkin (1997) has argues that the pressures on Native American students to assimilate into mainstream American culture can contribute to poor academic performance.
Organizing A Bibliography: Works Cited in MLA Style In the bibliography, the works cited are arranged in alphabetical order by the author's last name. Creating a bibliography in MLA style: ◦ Provide the author's first and last name for each entry ◦ Capitalize every important word in the titles of books, articles, and journals. ◦ Underline or italicize the title of books, journals, and newspapers ◦ Place the titles of articles, stories, and poems in quotation marks ◦ Indent the second and any subsequent lines one-half inch (or five spaces) ◦ Date & Place of publication ◦ Publisher
The Spell of the Sensuous. New York: Random, Abram, David. Author's name: Last name first, followed by full first name Title of the book: Underlined (or italicized), with the main words capitalized Place of Publication: Do not include the state. If more than one city, list the first city. Publisher: Abbreviate appropriately Date of Publication
Organizing A Bibliography: Works Cited in APA Style In the bibliography, the works cited are arranged in alphabetical order by the author's last name.f The date of publication is emphasized by placing it in parentheses immediately after the author's name. Creating a bibliography in APA style: ◦ Provide the author's surname, followed by an initial for the first name ◦ Place the date in parentheses and follow it with a period; the date should always be the second element in an entry ◦ Capitalize on the first word and any proper nouns of any title and subtitle ◦ Italicize titles of books, journals, magazines, and newspapers ◦ Do not place quotation marks around the titles of articles or chapters and do not italicize or underline them ◦ Hanging indent style of a half-inch (or five spaces)
Geertz, C. (2000). Available light: Anthropological reflections on philosophical topics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Author: Last name first, followed by first (and second, if available) initial Date of Publication: In parentheses, followed by a period Title of the book: Italicized; only the first word and proper nouns of the title and subtitle are capitalized. Place of publication: Include the state for cities less well-known for publishing Publisher: Delete Publishers, Co., and Inc., but retain Books and Press
A Checklist for Documentation 1.Cite any direct quotes, idea's of others, and any facts or statistics. 2.Enclose all quotations in quotation marks. 3.All paraphrases are in own words but still has the meaning as original text. 4.All sources cited in text should have corresponding entry in bibliography. 5.Vary the introduction you use for quotations and paraphrases. 6.Describe the figure you acquired your source from, unless it is an important figure. 7.Do not over-document your paper. A Checklist for Manuscript Form 1.Word processed; Double Spaced; One-inch margins 2.Upper left corner of page 1: name, instructor's name, course & section number, date the essay is submitted 3.Right corner of each page: ◦ MLA style- last name, page number ◦ APA style- Title, Page number