1)In order to determine if any project or regulation fails or succeeds it is it is important that it had quantifiable and measurable (fill in the line with one word that completes this statement; 4 pts) ________________________________ 2) Assume the darkened circles are habitat which support fish and arrows indicate movement. What is the common name of this type of population dynamics (4 pts, circle one). A) Metapopulation B) Island-Mainland C) Panmictic D) Structured 3) List the population(s) groups – A to K – which is (are) (6 pts); A) Least closely related ________________________ B) Most closely related _________________ Genetic Distance (Nei 1978) C D B E F G H K J I A ESU B Fish Management – Final Name_________________
4) What is the difference between the standard deviation and the standard error of an estimate (4 pts). _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________. 5) 100 fish are caught, marked and released in a small farm pond. One week later, a second capture effort was made and results in 20 fish being caught, of which 5 were marked. What is the most likely number of fish in the pond. Assume all mark- recapture assumptions were met. (5 pts). ___________. 6)In question 5, if the population was not a closed would you (circle one, 4 pts); a) overestimate the population, b) underestimate the population, c) have no effect, or d) could have undeterminable effects. 7)In question 5, if the marked fish lost their marks would you (circle one. 4 pts); a) overestimate the population, b) underestimate the population, c) have no effect, or d) could have any either effect. 8)Is this equation considered the null hypothesis or the alternative hypothesis in standard statistical methods? (2 points, circle one) Null Alternative. 9) In management situations is the null hypotheses likely to be exactly true? (2 pts, circle one) Yes No. 10) A type I statistical error is accepting the null hypothesis when the hypotheses is in reality (2 pts, circle one). True False
11) Given the following graph of a three pass depletion estimate what is the most likely total number of fish?(4 pts) __________. Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 12) In thirty words or less define the term stock as it was used in this class (6 pts). _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________. 13) Which of the following terms describes the number of chromosome a fish has? (3 points – circle one) A) Gene B) Locus C) Allele D) Karyotype
14) Assume the following fish scale was aged correctly and measured accurately. Lines on the scale indicate age and distance from focus. When this scale was removed at age 4+, the fish was 50 inches long. Based on the data presented how long was the fish when it was age 1 (6 pts). ________inches. Age 0, 0 μm Age 1, 20 μm Age 2, 100 μm Age 3, 150 μm Age 4, 180 μm Age 4+, 200 μm 15) In fisheries a common evaluation tool is statistical significance. Even if a result is not statistically significant is may still be of ____________ significance. (4 pts, fill in the blank)
Spawners Recruit per Spawners A B C 16) On the following lines, match one of the lines labeled A, B, and C on the graph with the type of situations it best represents (6 pts, only one letter per blank ). High density spawning sites __________. Endangered Species ______________. Territorial Species _______________. 17) In the west the use of diversity indexes based on native fishes are often not useful indicators of stream health. Why? (6 points) _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________.
18) In many fish management situations, managers are interested into dividing annual mortality into two components. They are (4 pts) 1)____________, 2) _______________. 19) In the figure below which of these two stocks is more productive at low population numbers? (Circle one; 4 pts). AB 20) List one reason why a system may be more productive at low populations? (4 pts) _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ A B Stock Recruit
21) The following graph presents several catch curves in which all assumptions have be met (6 pts). Which of these curves most likely comes from an unfished population? (Circle 1, 3 pts) A B C Which of these curves would most likely be from population in a fishery with a high minimum size limit (Circle 1, 3 pts) A B C Which of these curves would most likely be from a population in a fishery with reverse slot limit (Circle 1, 3 pts) A B C A B C Age Number
22) The following table shows the total number of two fish species captured in pool, glide, and riffle habitat in a mile long reach of Stream A. Which species likely selected for a specific habitat type (4 pts circle one)? Coho Steelhead Habitat# # Type % of Stream Coho Steelhead Pool 20% Glides 20% Riffles 60% Total 100% ) When electrofishing for depletion population estimates, why is it important that each pass take the same amount of time? (3 pts) ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________. If you have any question about your final grade contact me next Friday. Have a great summer.