Javad Lavaei Department of Electrical Engineering Columbia University Convex Relaxation for Polynomial Optimization: Application to Power Systems and Decentralized Control
Outline Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 2 Convex relaxation for highly structured optimization (Joint work with: Somayeh Sojoudi) Optimization over power networks (Joint work with: Steven Low, David Tse, Stephen Boyd, Somayeh Sojoudi, Ramtin Madani, Baosen Zhang, Matt Kraning, Eric Chu) Optimal decentralized control (Joint work with: Ghazal Fazelnia and Ramtin Madani) General theory for polynomial optimization (Joint work with: Ramtin Madani, Somayeh Sojoudi and Ghazal Fazelnia)
Penalized Semidefinite Programming (SDP) Relaxation Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 3 Exactness of SDP relaxation: Existence of a rank-1 solution Implies finding a global solution How to study the exactness of relaxation?
Highly Structured Optimization Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 4 Abstract optimizations are NP-hard in the worst case. Real-world optimizations are highly structured : Question: How do structures affect tractability of an optimization? Sparsity: Non-trivial structure:
Example Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 5 Given a polynomial optimization, we first make it quadratic and then map its structure into a generalized weighted graph:
Example Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 6 Optimization:
Real-Valued Optimization Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 7 Edge Cycle
Complex-Valued Optimization Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 8 Real-valued case: “ T “ is sign definite if its elements are all negative or all positive. Complex-valued case: “ T “ is sign definite if T and –T are separable in R 2 :
Complex-Valued Optimization Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 9 Consider a real matrix M: Polynomial-time solvable for weakly-cyclic bipartite graphs.
Outline Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 10 Convex relaxation for highly structured optimization (Joint work with: Somayeh Sojoudi) Optimization over power networks (Joint work with: Steven Low, David Tse, Stephen Boyd, Somayeh Sojoudi, Ramtin Madani, Baosen Zhang, Matt Kraning, Eric Chu) Optimal decentralized control (Joint work with: Ghazal Fazelnia and Ramtin Madani) General theory for polynomial optimization (Joint work with: Ramtin Madani, Somayeh Sojoudi and Ghazal Fazelnia)
Power Networks Optimizations: Optimal power flow (OPF) Security-constrained OPF State estimation Network reconfiguration Unit commitment Dynamic energy management Issue of non-convexity: Discrete parameters Nonlinearity in continuous variables Transition from traditional grid to smart grid: More variables (10X) Time constraints (100X) Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 11
Resource Allocation: Optimal Power Flow (OPF) Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 12 OPF: Given constant-power loads, find optimal P’s subject to: Demand constraints Constraints on V’s, P’s, and Q’s. OPF: Given constant-power loads, find optimal P’s subject to: Demand constraints Constraints on V’s, P’s, and Q’s. Voltage V Complex power = VI * =P + Q i Current I
Broad Interest in Optimal Power Flow Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 13 OPF-based problems solved on different time scales: Electricity market Real-time operation Security assessment Transmission planning Existing methods based on linearization or local search Question: How to find the best solution using a scalable robust algorithm? Huge literature since 1962 by power, OR and Econ people
Optimal Power Flow Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 14 Cost Operation Flow Balance
Project 1 Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 15 A sufficient condition to globally solve OPF: Numerous randomly generated systems IEEE systems with 14, 30, 57, 118, 300 buses European grid Various theories: It holds widely in practice Project 1: How to solve a given OPF in polynomial time? (joint work with Steven Low)
Project 2 Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 16 Transmission networks may need phase shifters: Project 2: Find network topologies over which optimization is easy? (joint work with Somayeh Sojoudi, David Tse and Baosen Zhang) Distribution networks are fine due to a sign definite property: PS
Project 3 Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 17 Project 3: How to design a distributed algorithm for solving OPF? (joint work with Stephen Boyd, Eric Chu and Matt Kranning) A practical (infinitely) parallelizable algorithm using ADMM. It solves 10,000-bus OPF in 0.85 seconds on a single core machine.
Project 4 Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 18 Project 4: How to do optimization for mesh networks? (joint work with Ramtin Madani and Somayeh Sojoudi) Observed that equivalent formulations might be different after relaxation. Upper bounded the rank based on the network topology. Developed a penalization technique. Verified its performance on IEEE systems with 7000 cost functions.
Response of SDP to Equivalent Formulations Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 19 P1P1 P2P2 Capacity constraint: active power, apparent power, angle difference, voltage difference, current? Correct solution 1. Equivalent formulations behave differently after relaxation. 2.SDP works for weakly-cyclic networks with cycles of size 3 if voltage difference is used to restrict flows.
Low-Rank Solution Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 20
Penalized SDP Relaxation Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 21 Use Penalized SDP relaxation to turn a low-rank solution into a rank-1 matrix: Near-optimal solution coincided with the IPM’s solution in 100%, 96.6% and 95.8% of cases for IEEE 14, 30 and 57-bus systems. IEEE systems with 7000 cost functions Modified 118-bus system with 3 local solutions (Bukhsh et al.)
Outline Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 22 Convex relaxation for highly structured optimization (Joint work with: Somayeh Sojoudi) Optimization over power networks (Joint work with: Steven Low, David Tse, Stephen Boyd, Somayeh Sojoudi, Ramtin Madani, Baosen Zhang, Matt Kraning, Eric Chu) Optimal decentralized control (Joint work with: Ghazal Fazelnia and Ramtin Madani) General theory for polynomial optimization (Joint work with: Ramtin Madani, Somayeh Sojoudi and Ghazal Fazelnia)
Distributed Control Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 23 Computational challenges arising in the control of real-world systems: Communication networks Electrical power systems Aerospace systems Large-space flexible structures Traffic systems Wireless sensor networks Various multi-agent systems Decentralized control Distributed control
Optimal Decentralized Control Problem Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 24 Optimal centralized control: Easy (LQR, LQG, etc.) Optimal distributed control (ODC): NP-hard (Witsenhausen’s example) Consider the time-varying system: The goal is to design a structured controller to minimize
Two Quadratic Formulations in Static Case Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 25 Formulation in time domain: Stack the free parameters of K in a vector h. Define v as: Formulation in Lypunov domain: Consider the BMI constraint: Define v as:
Graph of ODC for Time-Domain Formulation Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 26
Recovery of Rank-3 Solution Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 27 How to find such a low-rank solution? Nuclear norm technique fails. Add edges in the controller cloud to make it a tree: Add a new vertex and connect it to all existing nodes. Perform an optimization over the new graph.
Numerical Example (Decentralized Case) Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 28 Rank: 1 or 2 Exactness in 59 trials Rank: 1 99.8% optimality for 84 trials SDP Relaxation Penalized SDP Relaxation
Distributed Case Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 29 100 random systems with standard deviation 3 for A and B, and 2 for X 0. Each communication link exists with probability 0.9.
Outline Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 29 Convex relaxation for highly structured optimization (Joint work with: Somayeh Sojoudi) Optimization over power networks (Joint work with: Steven Low, David Tse, Stephen Boyd, Somayeh Sojoudi, Ramtin Madani, Baosen Zhang, Matt Kraning, Eric Chu) Optimal decentralized control (Joint work with: Ghazal Fazelnia and Ramtin Madani) General theory for polynomial optimization (Joint work with: Ramtin Madani, Somayeh Sojoudi, and Ghazal Fazelnia)
Polynomial Optimization Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 31 Consider an arbitrary polynomial optimization: Fact 1: Fact 2:
Polynomial Optimization Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 32 Technique: distributed computation This gives rise to a sparse QCQP with a sparse graph. Question: Given a sparse LMI, find a low-rank solution in polynomial time? We have a theory for relating the rank of W to the topology of its graph.
Conclusions Javad Lavaei, Columbia University 33 Convex relaxation for highly structured optimization: Complexity of SDP relaxation can be related to properties of a generalized graph. Optimization over power networks: Optimization over power networks becomes mostly easy due to their structures. Optimal decentralized control: ODC is a highly sparse nonlinear optimization so its relaxation has a rank 1-3 solution. General theory for polynomial optimization: Every polynomial optimization has an SDP relaxation with a rank 1-3 solution.