What was the Reformation? A time when the whole of Europe would change It was the start of new Christian religions And it lead to wars between Catholics and these new churches
Europe in 1500 All of Europe was Catholic There was no such thing as Protestant or Anglican Ruled form Rome Te Pope was leader of all Christians in Europe A Christian is someone who believes in Jesus Christ
Abuses in the Church The Church was not perfect Simony – Bribed people to elect them. Some bishops and popes bribed people to get their jobs Nepotism – Giving a job in the church to someone related to you Absenteeism – When bishops or priests neglected their parishes and weren’t there Pluralism – having more than one parish (means you can’t look after everyone)
Hierarchy in the Church Pope (Head of church) Cardinals (advised the pope) Archbishops Bishops (ruled over a diocese) Priests (ruled over a parish)
Other problems in the church Ignorant priests – some priests couldn’t understand the Latin in mass Some didn’t even know the 10 commandments Wealthy bishops cared more for money Got rich through the tithe Popes not very holy and leading immortal lives Having children or starting wars
Indulgences For many, the worst abuse was indulgences Dead people went to purgatory You could pay a priest to either pray for someone’s soul in purgatory Or to lessen your own time in purgatory Money-making scam The idea: Rich people could buy their way into heaven
Causes of the Reformation The abuses in the church The huge wealth of the church – immense palaces and lots of land – paid for by poor people’s tithes The Renaissance – encouraged people to think for themselves and to question old ideas Invention of printing – helped the spread of new ideas quickly
Revision vocab Tithe Hierarchy Nepotism Simony Absenteeism Indulgences