Questions From Question Box “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.” 1 Peter 3:15
D ANCING I would like to know about why it’s “sinful” to go to a dance? It this even a subject the Bible discusses? Could some “dancing” be non-sinful?
B LASPHEMY OF H OLY S PIRIT Please explain Mark 3:29? Can one be forgiven of this sin when they repent? (Also see Matthew 12:31,32)
G IVING Unlike the Old Testament and giving of 10% (tithing), can we know as Christians if we are giving fairly ? Any formulas or principles to help? Explain “As we have prospered.”
B RETHREN IN S IN Lets say you’ve seen a Christian publicly sin and influence non-Christians in a bad way. Yet, this person continues to participate in the worship services (table, prayer, scripture reading etc). Who should approach them and if they won’t repent, do you bring it to the church’s attention?
C APITAL P UNISHMENT In the same vein as “slavery,”-- permitted but not commanded, subject of capital punishment “analogous”? Capital punishment commanded, permitted or decided by civil governments?
C REMATION Is it a sin to be cremated ? Like a “burning” describe in hell. Should one be buried in the ground—to which our body returns. Does this change what will happen on at the final resurrection ?