VERTICAL EXPRESSION LEADERSHIP SCHEDULE March 25:Pastor Vega April 8:Vicky Vega April 22:CONNECT May 13:Shirley & Alice May 27:Pastor Vega June 10:Rosa Moreno June 24:Pastor Vega July 8:Becky McCleary July 22:John Moreno August 12:CONNECT August 26:Joey & Dinah September 9:Pastor Vega September 23:Tom McIntosh October 14:Vicky Vega October 28:Pastor Vega November 11:Andrew May November 25:Pastor Vega December 9:CONNECT VERTICAL EXPRESSION LEADERSHIP SCHEDULE March 25:Pastor Vega April 8:Vicky Vega April 22:CONNECT May 13:Shirley & Alice May 27:Pastor Vega June 10:Rosa Moreno June 24:Pastor Vega July 8:Becky McCleary July 22:John Moreno August 12:CONNECT August 26:Joey & Dinah September 9:Pastor Vega September 23:Tom McIntosh October 14:Vicky Vega October 28:Pastor Vega November 11:Andrew May November 25:Pastor Vega December 9:CONNECT 1712 E Busch Blvd,Tampa, FL, (18 th St) Lead Pastor: Louie Vega Lead Worshipper: Vicky Vega Administrator: Tom McIntosh Small Group Director: Andrew May Young Adults: Joey & Dinah Children’s Director: Becky McCleary Welcome Center: Rosa Moreno Pantry Ministry: John Moreno 3/2215 – God’s MMA Gym Tithes & Offerings for March 2015 Tithes for 3/01/15: $1, Designated $435 Tithes for 3/08/15: $2, Designated $ Tithes for 3/15/15: $1, Designated $ Tithes for 3/22/15 $ Designated $ Tithes for 3/29/15 $ Designated $ Total Tithes: $ $ 5, Total Offerings: $ Short This Month: (TBA) General Funds Needed Per Week: $1, General Funds Needed This Month: $7, Total Missed For: Week 1: $521.24; Week 2: $ 0 (up by $628) Week 3: $638 - Week 4: Week 5: Tithes & Offerings for March 2015 Tithes for 3/01/15: $1, Designated $435 Tithes for 3/08/15: $2, Designated $ Tithes for 3/15/15: $1, Designated $ Tithes for 3/22/15 $ Designated $ Tithes for 3/29/15 $ Designated $ Total Tithes: $ $ 5, Total Offerings: $ Short This Month: (TBA) General Funds Needed Per Week: $1, General Funds Needed This Month: $7, Total Missed For: Week 1: $521.24; Week 2: $ 0 (up by $628) Week 3: $638 - Week 4: Week 5:
Parents, please sign your kids up for Wednesday Kidz Way. Our teachers are scheduled based on the sign-up list. Thank you for your cooperation. Band of Brothers Men’s fellowship & breakfast this coming Saturday at 9:45 AM. A time when men break bread together. Take a morning & dedicate it to the Lord as you grow in relationship with the brothers. Sunday mornings – Band of 8:45 & Women of 9 Mon 6 PM – Unshackled (on campus) Tues Evenings (off 7 PM “Cornerstone” 2 nd & 4 th Wed. Thursday Evenings (off 8 PM “Transformed” Annie Armstrong Easter offering will be collected on Easter Sunday – 4/5/15. That’s two weeks away. Are you ready? Band & Praise Rehearsal on 7 PM Please keep the music ministry in prayer as we seek singers & musicians to join our worship team. God is doing an amazing thing! Sunday mornings – Storytellers share the gospel at local nursing homes. If you’re interested, you can easily join the team. See Shirley or Alice. 11 AM – 12:30 – Sundays & 7 PM every 2 nd & 4 th Wed for Kidz Café & Redemption Center by Appointment. If you Inform the Director that you’re coming on Wed, we’ll open the Children’s Church & meet the needs of your kidz. AnnouncementsAnnouncements Where are you currently serving? There is ministry for you at CTW.