COMMONLY USED SUFFIXES Suffix Meaning -algia G. algos, pain.e.g arthralgia -ectomy G. ek-tome, cutting out. -itis G. suffix indicating inflammation. -al. Meaning pertaining to e.g neural -cyte meaning cell e.g leukocyte,erythrocyte,thrombocytes -globin meaning protein e.g hemoglobin
COMMONLY USED SUFFIXES -logy G. logos, study of e.g nephrology -opia G. opsis, sight. -rhoea G. rhein, to flow. -scopy G. skopein, to view e.g laparoscopy -uria G. ouron, urine. -scope. Meaning to visually examine e.g cystoscope. -emia. Blood condition e.g leukemia -sis. State of e.g prognosis
Laparoscopy for tubal ligation
Different terms using -logy Cardiology---study of the heart Hematology—study of blood Psychology—study of mind and mental disorders Oncology--- study of tumors Neurology—study of the nerves and the brain and spinal cord Rheumatology--- study of joint diseases