Memorial Hall Web Site A look into the lives of children… Robin Allain-Moody Women in Early American History
Toys of Today What do each of the pictures below represent? What do each of the pictures below represent? What age group and gender plays with these objects? What age group and gender plays with these objects? What are these objects made of and why? What are these objects made of and why? Did you play with any of these objects when you were younder? If so which ones and why? Did you play with any of these objects when you were younder? If so which ones and why?
Children’s Lives Questions to think about….What kinds of dolls did children play with during this time? Questions to think about….What kinds of dolls did children play with during this time? What were these dolls made of? What were these dolls made of? Why do you think they used these materials? Why do you think they used these materials?
GAMES What present day game does this look like? What present day game does this look like? What is the difference between this game and the present day game? What is the difference between this game and the present day game? What are these objects made of? What are these objects made of? What other materials or objects might have been available for them to use in place of these? What other materials or objects might have been available for them to use in place of these?
Mini Models What does this look like? What does this look like? How would a child use this toy in play? How would a child use this toy in play? What types of toys do children use today that would resemble this one? What types of toys do children use today that would resemble this one?
Paper Dolls There are three different paper dolls represented here. Write a sentence describing what each one represents. Do children still use paper dolls to play with today and if so what do they represent?
Concluding Activities The class will be divided evenly into four different groups. Each group will be given ample time to come up with a presentation of their findings on one of the slides. (dolls, games, miniatures,paper dolls). The class will be divided evenly into four different groups. Each group will be given ample time to come up with a presentation of their findings on one of the slides. (dolls, games, miniatures,paper dolls). Each group will then be given 3-5 minutes to present their findings to the class Each group will then be given 3-5 minutes to present their findings to the class They must also come up with a five question quiz that their classmates must take after their presentation. The quiz must be based off of things they presented. They must also come up with a five question quiz that their classmates must take after their presentation. The quiz must be based off of things they presented. Each group must also come up with a five question quiz that they must give to their classmates immediately following their presentation. The quiz must be based off of things they presented. They will be responsible for grading the quizzes.