quizzes From fall 2014
Survey results
Survey ---- free responses make all the quizzes 10 points or some uniform point system cause some cause certain quizzes ended up hurting my grade more than others make quizzes count less
Survey ---- homework Assign minimal homework rather than quizzes. Quizzes brought down my grade when I understood everything on the midterms. If there was required homework people would have to do some problems on their own rather than sometimes just a guessing game on the quizzes. Homework would also probably bring more students to office hours. Maybe a few assigned problems due at the end of the week or before a quiz to be turned in.
If there was a homework question or two per week that would be helpful. One or two questions that we should be able to do per week would have helped a lot. Assign some homework problems and go over in class the next day, so students try the problems on their own first. I really enjoyed the class. I think if maybe you assigned homework for the class to do, more people would actually do it and understand it better. I recommend making it very clear all the time the importance of making time to look over the material a couple days before going to class instead of the night before.
Survey ---- free responses Maybe connecting the accounting with how to interpret the accounting for business decisions A little bit more incorporation of excel into the curriculum. Also, perhaps some more real life experiences/problems to give students a better feel for what accountants do on a daily basis.
Survey ---- free responses The only improvement in the class would be to discuss the chapters a little bit more before the actual quiz. The quizzes worked better at the end of class because while your videos were helpful, it made it easier when you went over it in class again. I needed to see it twice to make sense a lot of the time so if i didn't watch the videos prior I would be more lost.
Since you asked, I think maybe having the quiz in the beginning of class. It's incredibly more motivating to read and do homework beforehand. Plus, I thought that's how we were going to do the entire quarter. Taking the quiz, staying for an hour, and then people who feel like they mastered the material can leave early. I felt so prepared in the first 4-5 weeks of the quarter, because I wanted that mins early to go get breakfast at SandWhich Factory. I was motivated to be extra prepared so that I would feel comfortable leaving. When we moved to taking the quiz in the last 20 minutes of class, I became unmotivated to be as prepared, because there was no chance I could leave early; in addition, I knew that you would go over the material I was supposed to study. Everyone is going to act in their best interest to an extent, and for me, that meant shifting my study schedule around to match the immediate incentives. Just a thought, I would stick to the guns of having the quiz in the beginning
Survey ---- free responses