Reasons and prospects of EU crisis management in the ”Eastern neighbourhood” of the Union ”Eastern neighbourhood”: Strategic regions on the Eastern flank of the Union 1. Black Sea region 2. Southern Caucasus Eastern European security perimeter of the Union Similarly to the Balkans: area of primary European responsibility for security, democratisation and stabilisation
Reasons and prospects of EU crisis management in the ”Eastern neighbourhood” of the Union Reasons for EU interests in its Eastern neighbourhood 1. EU MS of the Black sea 2. Turkey as candidate 3. European external energy security 4. Near abroad of both the EU and Russia
Reasons and prospects of EU crisis management in the ”Eastern neighbourhood” of the Union European Security Strategy (2003): the EU ”surrounded by well governed states” = “European zone of peace and stability”. Protracted conflicts in the Eastern neighbourhood as sustained sources of insecurity and instability – Transdnistria, South-Ossetia, Abkhazia, Nagorno- Karabah
Reasons and prospects of EU crisis management in the ”Eastern neighbourhood” of the Union European method of pacification (absorption + transformation): NOT applicable without the prospect of EU membership If not through inclusion into the Union, then by means of conflict resolution = engagement in crisis management and structural prevention outside the EU
Reasons and prospects of EU crisis management in the ”Eastern neighbourhood” of the Union European lessons from the resolution and supervision of conflict settlements in the Balkans: - mediated and designed settlements - State- and - Peace-(re)construction - implementation of agreements with international guarantees - peace support operations (security assistance and enforcement)
Reasons and prospects of EU crisis management in the ”Eastern neighbourhood” of the Union “Frozen” separatist and ethnic conflicts in the Eastern neighbouhood of the EU: - opportunities for another application of the “Balkan recipe” of EU engagement - political, military and policing experience of the Union - phased and sustained engagements in the Balkans
Reasons and prospects of EU crisis management in the ”Eastern neighbourhood” of the Union - “Dormant” or “frozen” conflicts in the Eastern neighbourhood -constructive and complex international engagements and arrangements - Full range of available efforts and means of crisis settlement and post- conflict reconstruction by the EU in concert with NATO - New Transatlantic entente?