DOUBLES… an Overview What they mean. When they should be made …and when they shouldn’t
The Effects of a Double ♠ It acts as a deterrent to frivolous bidding ♠ It increases the value of making a contract ♠ It increases the penalty gained by setting a contract Doubles also can be used to substitute for a bid.
Negative Doubles ♠ After an opponent has overcalled your partner’s opening suit bid, your double (likely) shows: ♥ At least 4 cards in the other major and/or ♥ 4 cards or more in the unbid suits ♥ A good 7 HCP or more ♥ Little support for opener – otherwise, raise immediately ♠ Therefore, the bid of a suit generally shows 5+ cards and 5+ HCP. ♥ it is forcing for one round, if partner has not previously passed ♠ Negative doubles are generally made up to 3S ♥ If they force partner to a higher level, the strength of the negative doubler’s hand should be greater (12+ points if partner has to respond above 2NT)
Negative Double Quiz The bidding goes What do you do with the following hands? WNES P1♣1♣ 1♥1♥ ? 1. ♠ Axxx ♥ AQ ♦ QJxx ♣ Jxx 2. ♠ Qxxx ♥ xx ♦ QJxxx ♣ Jx 3. ♠ AKx ♥ xx ♦ QJxx ♣ Jxxx 4. ♠ xxxx ♥ xx ♦ Kxxxx ♣ xx 5. ♠ Kxxxx ♥ xx ♦ QJxxx ♣ x 6. ♠ KQxx ♥ Qx ♦ QJxx ♣ xx 7. ♠ KQxx ♥ Q ♦ QJx ♣ KQxx 1.3NT 2.DBL – negative 3.2 ♣ 4.Pass 5.1 ♠ 6.DBL - negative 7.2 ♥
Responsive Doubles ♠ After partner’s TO double, if RHO raises opener, even preemptively, your double is “Responsive” ♠ It requests partner to pick his best suit – it may be done with a weak, distributional hand ♥ If you hold ♠ Qxxxx ♥ Qx ♦ QJxxx ♣ x, make a negative double. If partner bids one of your suits, raise. If partner bids clubs, bid diamonds, showing diamonds and spades. ♥ With a better hand, ♠ KQxxx ♥ Qxx ♦ KJxxx ♣, if partner bids one of your suits, make a forcing Q- bid; slam is a possibility if partner holds the right 2 aces and a singleton heart
Responsive Doubles ♠ To be clear, in a sequence like 1 ♥ - DBL – 2 ♣ – ? ♥ DBL is penalty-oriented; ♥ Pass shows no interest, ♥ 2 ♦ or 2 ♠ would show at least 4 cards, and minimal values ♥ 2 ♥ is forcing, and shows game-going values ♥ 2NT is invitational, showing 9+HCP and stopper(s) in hearts ♥ 3 ♣ or 3 ♥ would be Western Q-bids, asking partner to bid 3NT with a partial stopper – Kx, Qx, Jxx, 10xxx ♠ Responsive doubles are generally played up to 3 ♠ or 4 ♦ (based on your partnership agreements). For example: 2 ♠ - DBL – 3 ♠ - DBL is responsive and asks partner to pick her best suit.
Responsive Double Quiz The bidding goes What do you do with the following hands? WNES 1♦1♦ DBL2♦2♦ ? 1. ♠ Axxx ♥ AQxx ♦ QJxx ♣ J 2. ♠ Qxxx ♥ xxxx ♦ QJ ♣ Jxx 3. ♠ AKx ♥ xxxx ♦ QJxx ♣ Jx 4. ♠ xxxx ♥ xx ♦ Kxxxx ♣ xx 5. ♠ Kxxxx ♥ xx ♦ QJxxx ♣ x 6. ♠ KQxx ♥ Qx ♦ QJxx ♣ Jxx 7. ♠ KQxx ♥ Q ♦ QJx ♣ KQxx 1.3NT (to play) 2.DBL (responsive) 3.2 ♥ (as requested) 4.Pass 5.1 ♠ (obvious) 6.2NT 7. 2 ♠
Take-Out Doubles ♠ Take-out Doubles – any direct-seat double shows ♥ the other 3 suits, ♥ a 2-suiter, ♥ or a strong hand ♠ Rule: A second double by the original take- out doubler is always a take-out double ♥ Note: this is only if partner passed over your first double
‘Balancing’ Doubles ♠ These are typically Take-out Doubles – any balancing double shows ♥ the other 3 suits, ♥ a 2-suiter, ♥ or a strong hand ♠ It may be passed for penalty (if partner has a trap pass) ♥ You hold ♣♦♥♠ Axxx ♥ AQxx ♦ xx ♣ Jxx and make a balancing double. ♥ Partner holds ♠ Kx ♥ Kxx ♦ AQJxx ♣ xxx, and passes WNES 1♦1♦ PPDBL The bidding goes
‘Balancing’ Doubles - continued ♠ These are typically Optional Doubles, showing ♥ A hand that has Opener’s suit and strength, but not enough or the wrong distribution to bid 1NT ♥ General strength, not wanting to let them play 1 ♠ It may be passed for penalty (trap pass) WNES P1♥1♥ P PDBL The bidding goes WNES PP1♥1♥ P 11 PPDBL or
Competitive Doubles* ♠ Occur when you and your partner have bid easily to game, and opponents have bid higher: ♥ Pass by your side says – “I can beat this contract” ♥ Dbl by your side says – “I need one outside trick from you to beat this contract – bid accordingly” ♥ A bid of a new suit is lead directing if they bid again, and forces partner to bid again ♠ *Note: only the Ace of the suit we have bid counts as a trick in these doubles (avoids double counting)
DSIP Doubles ♠ Do Something Intelligent, Partner. ♠ Over opponents’ interference, where both of you have shown values, even in cases where you have shown a fit, a double shows quick tricks and shortness in their suit rather than slow values. ♠ It indicates that you have enough points and wanted to make another bid ♠ It asks partner to make the decision to bid on or convert to penalty.
Hand 1 WNES PP 1 11 ? WNES PP 1 11 2 22 4 44 ? WNES PP1♥1♥ 11 2♥2♥ 22 4♥4♥ 44 DBLPP P 1. Should North bid 5 ♥ ? 2. What should the opponents do? 3. Should North Double? 4. What kind of double would it have been? 5. What should East do with the double? 6. What should South then do? 1. Should North Double? 2. What kind of double would it have been? 3. What should East do with the double? 4. What should South then do? Why should South bid 2 ♥ instead?
BIDDING OVER OPPONENT’S T/O DOUBLES ♠ 1 ♣ -DBL ♥ Pass ♦ 0-5 HCP with no 5-card suit ♥ RDBL ♦ 10+ with no better bid – may have clubs ♥ 1D/H/S ♦ shows 5 or more cards in the suit and is non-forcing ♥ 1NT ♦ 6+ HCP - To play – likely with clubs ♥ 2NT ♦ 5+ clubs with limit raise or better ♥3 ♣♥3 ♣ ♦ Preemptive raise ♥ 3NT ♦ To play ♠ Advanced Treatment ♥ 2C/D/H ♦ Transfer Bids with 3-card club support and invitational values or better ♥ 3D/H/S ♦ 7+ =card suit – no defense (1 ♣ can be short)
BIDDING OVER OPPONENT’S T/O DOUBLES ♠ 1 ♦ -DBL (assumes opener has 5 diamonds) ♥ Pass ♦ 0-5 HCP with no 5-card suit ♥ RDBL ♦ 10+ with no better bid (may have a forcing hand with diamonds) ♥ 1H/S ♦ shows 5+ cards in the suit and is non-forcing ♥ 1NT ♦ 6-9 HCP - likely 4 or more clubs ♥ 2C ♦ Shows at least 5 clubs and normally less than 10 HCP ♥2♦♥2♦ ♦ A simple raise – 6-9 HCP at least 3D ♥ 2H/S ♦ Preemptive, suit quality with little outside ♥ 2NT ♦ Invitational – 11+HCP ♥ 3C/H/S ♦ Splinter bids – show at least 4 diamonds, 9+ HCP and a singleton ♥ 3/4/5 ♦ ♦ Preemptive ♥ 3NT ♦ To play
BIDDING OVER OPPONENT’S T/O DOUBLES ♠ 1H-DBL ♠ Redouble = 10+ HCP and no fit ♠ 1S natural and forcing ♠ 1NT = transfer to C any strength or raise with values in clubs ♠ 2C = transfer to D any strength or raise with values in diamonds ♠ 2D = transfer to H - non constructive raise 3 card support ♠ 2H - (8 – 10 HCP) constructive raise ♠ 3H - pre-emptive 4 card support ♠ 2NT – Limit raise or better ♠ 2S/3C/3D - mini-splinter
BIDDING OVER OPPONENT’S T/O DOUBLES ♠ 1S - DBL ♠ Redouble = 10+ HCP and no fit ♠ 1NT = Transfer to C any strength or raise with values in clubs ♠ 2C = transfer to D any strength or raise with values in diamonds ♠ 2D = transfer to H any strength or raise with values in hearts ♠ 2H = transfer to S non constructive raise with 3 card support ♠ 2S - (8 – 10 HCP) constructive raise ♠ 3S - pre-emptive 4 card support ♠ 2NT – Limit raise or better ♠ 3C/D/H - mini-splinter
14-Hand Quiz 14-Hand Quiz ♠ Assume your partner opens the bidding 1 ♣ and the next player doubles. How many points is each hand worth and what is your call? ♠ Q J 6 5 ♥ ♦ K ♣ 7 2 Points __ Call __ 6 1♦1♦ Did you subtract one point for an Aceless hand? It’s only important responding to NT. This is a reasonable hand and should be bid naturally.
2 ♠ Q J ♥ 9 ♦ J 6 4 ♣ 9 8 Points ____ Call ____ 9 3♠3♠ Remember to add 1 point for the 5 th Spade, and 2 points each for the 6 th & 7 th ! Partner opens 1♣, and the opponent doubles. The opponents have a heart fit. You have a suit you can play opposite a void. Your preemptive bid tells partner not to expect any defense.
3 ♠ K 7 5 ♥ Q 3 ♦ A K 3 ♣ Points ____ Call ____ 12+ 3♥3♥ Possibly enough for game. The 5-card club suit with lots of entries should set up. WNES 1♥1♥ DBL 2 ? Your 3 ♥ bid is a ‘Western Q” asking partner to bid 3NT with a partial heart stopper. (Qx or Jxx or better.) If he bids 3♠, just pass
4 ♠ 3 ♥ K Q ♦ Q ♣ A 6 4 Points ____ Call ____ 13 DBL This is a take-out double. If partner Q-bids or jumps the bid, try for game. Otherwise, pass WNES 1♠1♠ P2♠2♠ ?
5 ♠ ♥ A 3 ♦ Q J 5 2 ♣ Q Points ____ Call ____ 9 DBL This is a good hand for a responsive double, even without 4 spades. Let partner play it in his best suit. Don’t raise his bid. He’ll expect you have this kind of hand with your double. WNES 1♥1♥ DBL2♥2♥ ?
6 ♠ 8 5 ♥ J ♦ 8 5 ♣ Q Points ____ Call ____ 5 5♣5♣ Remember - a double by a partner who has already made a take-out double is still take- out. WNES 1♥1♥ DBL3♥3♥ P P P? Partner likely has a void in hearts and lots of quick tricks. This has become a pretty good hand.
7 ♠ 3 ♥ ♦ Q J ♣ K 4 Points ____ Call ____ 8 4 ♥4 ♥ You’re bidding partner’s heart suit. (*the 3- heart bid shows a singleton with invitational support of spades) WNES 1♠1♠ DBL3♥*3♥*?
8 ♠ J 10 3 ♥ 8 6 ♦ K J 7 4 ♣ K Points ____ Call ____ 8 3♠3♠ You don’t have to make a negative double with support for partner. A raise will show this hand – support with few tricks – not quite enough for game. WNES P1♠1♠ 3♥3♥ ?
9 ♠ A J 10 5 ♥ K Q 7 ♦ ♣ K J 6 Points ____ Call ____ 14 Pass Remember ‘Competitive Doubles?’ This is a forcing pass. It tells partner that you have the tricks to set the contract. She can then decide to double, if she has slow tricks, bid game with a singleton diamond and one ace, or slam with a void and an ace or 2 aces WNES P1♠1♠ P2NT 3♦3♦ 4♦4♦ 5♦5♦ ?
10 ♠ K Q ♥ 3 ♦ A 4 3 ♣ Points ____ Call ____ 12 5♠5♠ Partner is minimal and doesn’t know where to play (her pass over 4 ♥ is brilliant and likely shows only 3 spades). You can’t pass or double, as you don’t have enough defensive tricks for either action. If 5 ♠ isn’t making, 5♥ certainly is. WNES 1♥1♥ DBLRDBL4♥4♥ DBLP5♥5♥ ?
12 ♠ A J ♥ A J ♦ 10 7 ♣ 7 Points ____ Call __ _ 13 DBL DSIP Double. It says you have enough points/tricks for another bid, but it’s not clear what you should do. If partner bids 4 ♦, bid 4♥; Partner should correct to 4♠ with 3 Spades and 1 or 2 Hearts WNES P1♦1♦ 3♣3♣ DBL 4♣4♣ PP?
13 ♠ K ♥ A ♦ 5 2 ♣ 7 5 Points ____ Call ____ 8-9 DBL A nice, balancing double. Partner may be , and unable to take any action. Your double will get you to the right major suit. WNES PP1♣1♣ P 1♦1♦ P2♦2♦ P P?
14 ♠ A K Q ♥ A J 9 5 ♦ 8 5 ♣ 2 Points ____ Call __ _ 17 2 ♥2 ♥. WNES 1♣1♣ P2♣2♣ 2♠2♠ 3♣3♣ P3♦3♦ P 3♠3♠ P5♣5♣ ? Competitive Double. It says you need one trick from partner to set the contract. If she doesn’t have it she should 5♠ with 3 or more spades, or bid her best suit with less than 3 spades.