Confucianism Replaced Chinese Communists replace Confucianism with new philosophy Combines the works of Marx and Mao Replaces Confucian analects with Quotations from Chairman Mao or the Little Red Book Calls for loyalty and service to China above all else
A Classless Society Communist Party does away with private property Succeeds in theory, but in practice, party and PLA members have more access. 1980s: Deng’s capitalist reforms create greater inequality and widen divides between rural/urban Chinese
Family Life Traditions and veneration of elders survives despite Communist persecution New marriage law (1950) Men and women are equal Children no longer assigned marriages Many Chinese still rely on an older acquaintance to find a mate
A free and independent marriage is good, there is great happiness in unified production A Free and Independent Marriage is Good, There is Great Happiness in Unified Production (1953)
Family Life Cont. One Child Policy Encouraged families to only have one child in order to slow population growth and aid modernization Enforced by economic incentives More successful in cities than in the country
Changing Roles For Women 1950 Constitution introduces equal rights for women Most Chinese women work outside the home Some gender inequality still exists
Education and Tech Communists made Mandarin Chinese the official language and simplified the writing system Emphasized literacy and the value of schools to teach students correct Communist thinking Resources are being put towards science/tech