Local Government
What does a Local Government do? Local governments make laws to protect citizens. It provides services such as schools, libraries, and picking up the trash. Local governments collect taxes to pay for services. It selects leaders through elections.
Branches of Local Government Mayor City Council Courts/Judges
Mayor The mayor is elected by the citizens of the community. The mayor is the leader of a city government He works with the city council and county commission to make laws. The mayor of McKinney is Brian Loughmiller.
City Officials The city officials are; The Mayor, The City Council, and the Judges The city council makes and pass laws in the community. They try and improve the city by holding town meetings.
City officials Job The city official make sure the community has services: Some of the services are Water Parks Education
Branches of Government Executive Branch: Executes the law- It is Headed by the president. The president job is to Execute the law. He carries out federal laws and recommends new ones, directs national defense and foreign policy, and performs ceremonial duties. Powers include directing government, commanding the Armed Forces, dealing with international powers, acting as chief law enforcement officer, and vetoing laws.
Legislative Branch Legislative Branch: Makes the law Headed by Congress, which includes the House of Representatives and the Senate. The main task of these two bodies is to make the laws. Its powers include passing laws, originating spending bills (House), impeaching officials (Senate), and approving treaties (Senate).
Judicial Branch Judicial Branch: Their main job is to interpret the law. Headed by the Supreme Court. Its powers include interpreting the Constitution, reviewing laws, and deciding cases involving states' rights.