Moving the Bluetooth Specification from an Industry Initiative to an IEEE Standard Tom Siep Member Group Technical Staff Texas Instruments December 8, 1999
2 Specification versus Standard versus
3 The Specification Artist Helps people see the world in a new way.
4 The Standards Engineer Codifies well-understood phenomena and applies them to well-known problems
5 The Process of Industry Initiative Specification Starts with a blank canvas Starts with a blank canvas Free format Free format Usually evolves Usually evolves Often describes an implementation Often describes an implementation Says many (perhaps different) things to many people Says many (perhaps different) things to many people Sometimes “you had to be there” Sometimes “you had to be there” Inspires Inspires
6 The Process of Standardization Starts with defined goal Starts with defined goal Format dictated by Standard Format dictated by Standard Evolution by formal means Evolution by formal means Implementation Independent Implementation Independent Unambiguous Unambiguous All you need to know is right there (or in the references) All you need to know is right there (or in the references) Communicates Communicates
7 A Little History 980 A.D. — Harald Blaatand "Bluetooth" II thinks Laptops and cell phones should communicate wirelessly 980 A.D. — Harald Blaatand "Bluetooth" II thinks Laptops and cell phones should communicate wirelessly 981 A. D. — Harald thinks IEEE 802 Standards are good 981 A. D. — Harald thinks IEEE 802 Standards are good …a little time passes… June 14, 1999 IEEE initiates a Call For Proposal, Bluetooth SIG responds July 1, 1999 June 14, 1999 IEEE initiates a Call For Proposal, Bluetooth SIG responds July 1, 1999 July Bluetooth Specification becomes public July Bluetooth Specification becomes public July Bluetooth SIG engages with IEEE and IEEE July Bluetooth SIG engages with IEEE and IEEE
8 IEEE: An Overview Established in 1884 (AIEE & IRE) Established in 1884 (AIEE & IRE) Membership was 334,811 Dec98; 66% USA & 33% Non-USA Membership was 334,811 Dec98; 66% USA & 33% Non-USA Produces 30 percent of the world's published literature in electrical engineering, computers and control technology, Produces 30 percent of the world's published literature in electrical engineering, computers and control technology, Holds annually more than 300 major conferences Holds annually more than 300 major conferences Has more than 800 active standards with 700 under development. Has more than 800 active standards with 700 under development.
9 IEEE Project 802 Local and Metropolitan Area Network Standards Committee Accredited by ANSI, Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Accredited by ANSI, Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Ethernet, Token Ring, Wireless, Cable Modem StandardsEthernet, Token Ring, Wireless, Cable Modem Standards Bridging, VLAN, Security StandardsBridging, VLAN, Security Standards Meets three times per year (400 individuals, 15% non-US) Meets three times per year (400 individuals, 15% non-US) Develops equivalent IEC/ISO JTC 1 standards Develops equivalent IEC/ISO JTC 1 standards JTC 1 series of equivalent standards are ISO 8802-nnn IEEE URLs IEEE URLs
10 IEEE 802 Standards Principals Due Process through established rules and procedures Due Process through established rules and procedures Consensus highly desired, near unanimity is generally the rule Consensus highly desired, near unanimity is generally the rule Openness where all individuals, world-wide, have access to the process Openness where all individuals, world-wide, have access to the process Balance maintained by having balloting group include both developers and users Balance maintained by having balloting group include both developers and users Right to Appeal both procedural and technical issues at any time during the process Right to Appeal both procedural and technical issues at any time during the process
11 What IEEE Project 802 Covers
12 More Detail of IEEE P802 Structure
13 How Does That Relate to Bluetooth? Bluetooth IEEE
14 Mapping the Bluetooth Specification into IEEE 802 Constructing the Draft (new slide)
15 The Process of Creating a Standard You are here
16 Project Timeline
17 QUESTIONS? IEEE: Contact Information Jim Carlo, IEEE802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee ChairJim Carlo, IEEE802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee Chair –Tel&Fax: Susan Tatiner, IEEE-SA Director Standards Publishing ProgramsSusan Tatiner, IEEE-SA Director Standards Publishing Programs –Tel: Tom Siep - IEEE P EditorTom Siep - IEEE P Editor –Tel: