R. Keitel Epics Collaboration Meeting, Slac 28-Apr-2005 EdlBuild – generating edl files
Why do we need it? remember yesterday’s presentation For those who fell asleep ØWe build 1700 device faceplates ØEvery time an interlock specification changes, we rebuild Use edd/dm now, prepare for converting to edm Need solution for edm !!
Solution: EdlBuild Perl module library syntax like Perl/Tk allows configuration of any widget property configure site-specific “look and feel” extensible
EdlBuild example
EdlBuild Internals Perl module Edl.pm ØIncludes ôall widget modules ôsite-configuration modules ØContains ôcode for the Edl object (“screen”, “canvas”) ôone creation functon per widget ôcode common to all widgets One Perl Module Edl….pm per widget ØContains ôname/value template ônew() ôconfigure()
Site-specific look and feel Configure name/value templates in the widget modules Øflexible Øminimise # of parameters in widget calls Øtedious module EdlDefaults.pm Øvariables for ôcommon colours i.e. fg, fb, on, off, incons, topShadow, botShadow ôdefault font Øwidget versions
Site specific extensions If you have your own widgets ØCreate a perl module per widget: ôCopy an existing Edl….pm module ôuse EDMGENDOC to create the name/value template and copy into Edl..pm module ôrun ConvertEdlTemplate.pl Ømodule EdlSiteUse.pm ôincludes site-specific Perl modules Ømodule EdlSiteWidgets.pm ôdefines creation functions for site-specific widgets
State of things (April 2005) EdlBuild ØBeta >> release candidate Øall edm widgets are supported Øgif, png not tested TRIUMF edd/dm >> edm Øall 1700 TRIUMF panels generated Ømade TRIUMF version of badlfish Øconverted all existing TRIUMF dm screens Øcreated a “parallel universe” for operators to play and try need macro expansion for colour rules in edm for interactive screen development Need ability to dump XY-plot data to ascii file